View CDR reports - How do I?

View CDR reports - How do I?

Instructions for viewing CDR reports

  1. Click Reporting --> cdr reports

  2. Under the Call Type column, check the boxes for each type of call you want to display in your report

  3. Under the View Columns heading, choose which columns should be displayed in your report.  By default, the following columns are displayed:

    • Source Number

    • Dest Number

    • Status

    • Date

    • Duration

  4. Under List Filters you have the option of filtering your list by specific criteria. A definition of each option follows:

    1. From: filter the list by the extension or number entered.  You can also use wildcards in this field to match a range of extensions or numbers.  Hold your mouse over the blue ? mark superscripted at the end of List Filters in order to view available wildcards.

    2. To: filter the list by the extension or numbered entered.  You can also use wildcards as specified above.

    3. Extension: filter the list to include only inbound or outbound calls involving the extension selected.

    4. View Rows: define the number of rows to print per page of results.

  5. Choose the Date Range from the items listed next to the word Between: at the bottom of the Create Call Report section.  Only call detail records that fall between the dates you choose matching the options selected in Step 4 will display.

Filter Examples

Picture 11 (1).jpg

In the example above, we've configured the To: field with extension 215 only, and the date range is 4/21/09 - 4/21/09, so we're only looking at calls within a single day.  We've checked the Inbound, Outbound, and Interoffice call types, and the resulting information (at the bottom) tells us that three outside callers dialed extension 215 directly on 4/21/09, and all calls were answered.

Picture 12 (1).jpg

In this example, we've expanded the call types to include everything, kept the date range the same (as above), and we've changed the filtering From: field to extension 215.  The results show us all the calls that extension 215 placed on 4/21/09, and the types of calls.  Most of the calls were answered, but we can see a few calls were busy.


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