PBX GUI - Internal Notes on PBX and OpenLDAP
Theory of use
PBX User Manager module supports multiple LDAP directories.
Single LDAP directory must use top level OU in order to sync
If there are multiple OU, then admin would create multiple LDAP directories for each OU.
PBX username must be based on "CN"
CN fields must NOT contain a space.
This will break Chat feature.
Furthermore, LDAP protocol can only authenticate the user based on CN
Mandatory LDAP fields
telephoneNumber - the telephone number binds the LDAP user to an existing extension on the PBX
userPassword – PBX authenticates the user via LDAP using the password field
Update to latest User Manager module.
Minimum Version:
GUI mode
Log into the GUI Module Admin
Update User Manager module to latest.
Minimum Framework version
Console Mode
Log into SSH
fwconsole ma downloadinstall --edge userman
fwconsole ma downloadinstall framework --tag
PBX Extensions
Admin has two choices on how to manage extensions.
Auto create
LDAP synchronization can auto create extensions based on "telephoneNumber" field in the openLDAP
This is controlled by "Create Missing Extensions" in the LDAP Directory configuration.
Manually create
Admin can disable the "Create Missing Extensions" and manually create extensions in the PBX.
This way only specific LDAP users will be bound to the PBX extensions based on "telephoneNumber" field.
The rest of the users will be imported as contacts only.
Create a LDAP Directory
Log into GUI
Navigate to User Management
Click on Directories: Click on Add
General Section
Directory Type: OpenLdap Directory
Note: do not select (Legacy) one.
Directory Name: Specify arbitrary name
Enable Directory: Select Yes
Synchronize: Default 1h
Directory Settings
Secure connection type: None (Default)
Host: OpenLDAP server IP
Port: OpenLDAP port number (Default is 389)
Bind DN: Must be set to admin LDAP credentials
example: cn=admin,dc=companydnsname,dc=com
Password: Admin password
Base DN: Must be set to base LDAP DN
example: dc=companydnsname,dc=com
Status: Displays the status of the ldap connection, will update after the LDAP configuration is submitted.
Operational Settings
Create Missing Extensions:
PBX can auto create extensions based on the "telephoneNumber" field.
Default behavior is not do auto create and let the PBX admin create extensions manually before sync.
Manage Groups Locally: Set to YES (Default)
This option will allow admin to create a group for the LDAP directory into which all LDAP users can be added to.
This is an easy way to add permissions to allLDAP directory users such as: Zulu, UCP etc.
User Configuration
User DN: Must be populated with top level OU
example: ou=Engineering Department
User object class: inetOrgPerson
user object filter: (objectclass=inetOrgPerson)
User name attribute: cn
Must be set to cn this is the only option
User extension Link attribute: telephoneNumber
This will bind the user to the existing extension, or will auto create extension if above "Create Missing Extensions" is enabled.
The Rest of the User Configuration fields should be set based on OpenLDAP user fields defined in LDAP directory.
Group Configuration
Leave as default as we will use Manage Groups Locally.
Click Submit to apply settings.
Specify the LDAP as Default directory in the Directory List.
On page refresh you the LDAP Status field should be green with status Connected.
Create a LDAP user group
From the GUI
Navigate to User Management
Click on Groups
Click on Group Filter ("All Directories")
Select the LDAP directory that was just created in above step
Click on Add Button.
Specify a group name
Select ALL users and add them to the group
Enable all PBX features such as Contacts, UCP, Zulu, XMPP
If contacts do not work in Zulu, you have not enabled Contacts in this section
For contact groups select ALL to allow all contacts in Zulu and UCP
If you cannot log into Zulu or UCP then you might not have permissions in this section.
Note: If you cannot add a group for a Directory you did not set "Manage Groups Locally" to YES in the LDAP Directory configuration above.
Sync LDAP users
Log into SSH
List all userman directories
fwconsole userman --list
Run sync on the directory ID that relates to LDAP
fwconsole userman --syncall --force --verbose
Reload Asterisk
fwconsole r #This step is must be done or Zulu Softphone will not work
At this point all users are sync
Log back into GUI
Navigate to User Management
Click on Users
Select on LDAP Directory filter
Admin should see all new imported users.
Change Asterisk HTTP max settings
Log into GUI
Advanced Settings
Session Limit: set to 10000