PBX GUI - Voicemail Admin - Dialplan Behavior

PBX GUI - Voicemail Admin - Dialplan Behavior



These settings are for advanced use cases. In most cases the defaults will work. These should not be touched unless you know what you are doing.

Logging in

  • In the top menu click Settings

  • In the Dropdown click Voicemail Admin

  • Click the Dialplan Behavior tab




General Dialplan Settings

Disable Standard Prompt

Yes/No - Whether to disable the standard voicemail instructions that follow the user-recorded message. These standard instructions tell the caller to leave a message after the beep. This can be individually controlled for users who have VMX locater enabled.

Direct Dial Mode

Unavailable/Busy/No Message - Whether to play the busy message, the unavailable message, or no message when direct dialing voicemail.

Voicemail Recording Gain

The amount of gain to amplify a voicemail message when being recorded. You may need to increase this if users are complaining about messages on your system being hard to hear, which is often caused by very quiet analog lines. The gain is in Decibels, which doubles the volume for every 3 db.

Operator Extension

Default number to dial when a voicemail user "zeros out" (if enabled) - in other words, the user will be sent to this destination when they press "0" from within the voicemail system. This destination can be any number, including an external number. There is NO VALIDATION, so it should be tested after configuration. Note: This default will be overridden by any VMX Locater "0" option you set for an extension. The VMX Locater option is used even when VMX Locater is not enabled.

Advanced VmX Locater Settings

Msg Timeout

Time to wait after message has played to timeout and/or repeat the message if no entry pressed. Default = 2 seconds.

Times to Play Message

Number of times to play the recorded message if the caller does not press any options and it times out. One attempt means we won't repeat it, and it will be treated as a timeout. A timeout would be the normal behavior. It is fairly common to leave this at zero and play a message telling callers to press an option, letting them know that they will otherwise go to voicemail.

Error Re-tries

Number of times to play invalid options and repeat the message upon receiving an undefined option. One retry means it will repeat at one time after the intial failure.

Disable Standard Prompt after Max Loops

If the Max Loops are reached and the call goes to voicemail, setting this to Yes will disable the standard voicemail prompt that follows the user's recorded greeting. This default can be overriden with a unique ..vmx/vmxopts/loops AstDB entry for the given mode (busy/unavail) and user.

Disable Standard Prompt on 'dovm' Extension

If the special advanced extension of 'dovm' is used, setting this to Yes will disable the standard voicemail prompt prompt that follows the user's recorded greeting. This default can be overridden with a unique ..vmx/vmxopts/dovm AstDB entry for the given mode (busy/unavail) and user.

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