PBX GUI - Voicemail - Extension Level

PBX GUI - Voicemail - Extension Level




This page covers per extension settings for voicemail.

Logging in

  • On the top menu click Applications

  • In the drop down click Extensions

Existing User

Click the edit button  for the extension you wish to edit.

New Extension

  • You can use the Quick Create Extension to quickly and easily set up an extension. 



  • OR, in the right side menu, click the type of extension you would like to create.





There are many settings out of the scope of this guide. This guide ONLY covers the voicemail settings.





Is voicemail enabled or disabled for this user?

Voicemail Password

This is the password used to access the Voicemail system. This password can only contain numbers. A user can change the password you enter here after logging into the voicemail system (*98) with a phone.

Require from Same Extension

Whether to require the user to enter their voicemail password when calling voicemail (*97) from their own extension. Does not apply to *98.

Disable * In Voicemail Menu

If set to Yes, then when someone dials this voicemail box they will not be able to access the voicemail menu by pressing (*). If you have no plans to access your mailbox remotely, set this to "yes."

Email Address

Email address that voicemails will be sent to.

Pager Email Address

Email address that short voicemail alerts will be sent to

This information is thought to be accurate but is provided for informational purposes only. Please confirm with your carrier the correct information. Standard data and messaging rates may apply

3 River Wireless - 10digitphonenumber@sms.3rivers.net
ACS Wireless - 10digitphonenumber@paging.acswireless.com
Alltel - 10digitphonenumber@message.alltel.com
AT&T - 10digitphonenumber@txt.att.net
Bell Canada - 10digitphonenumber@txt.bellmobility.ca
Bell Canada - 10digitphonenumber@bellmobility.ca
Bell Mobility (Canada) - 10digitphonenumber@txt.bell.ca
Bell Mobility - 10digitphonenumber@txt.bellmobility.ca
Blue Sky Frog - 10digitphonenumber@blueskyfrog.com
Bluegrass Cellular - 10digitphonenumber@sms.bluecell.com
Boost Mobile - 10digitphonenumber@myboostmobile.com
BPL Mobile - 10digitphonenumber@bplmobile.com
Carolina West Wireless - 10digit10digitnumber@cwwsms.com
Cellular One - 10digitphonenumber@mobile.celloneusa.com
Cellular South - 10digitphonenumber@csouth1.com
Centennial Wireless - 10digitphonenumber@cwemail.com
CenturyTel - 10digitphonenumber@messaging.centurytel.net
Cingular (Now AT&T) - 10digitphonenumber@txt.att.net
Clearnet - 10digitphonenumber@msg.clearnet.com
Comcast - 10digitphonenumber@comcastpcs.textmsg.com
Corr Wireless Communications - 10digitphonenumber@corrwireless.net
Dobson - 10digitphonenumber@mobile.dobson.net
Edge Wireless - 10digitphonenumber@sms.edgewireless.com
Fido - 10digitphonenumber@fido.ca
Golden Telecom - 10digitphonenumber@sms.goldentele.com
Helio - 10digitphonenumber@messaging.sprintpcs.com
Houston Cellular - 10digitphonenumber@text.houstoncellular.net
Idea Cellular - 10digitphonenumber@ideacellular.net
Illinois Valley Cellular - 10digitphonenumber@ivctext.com
Inland Cellular Telephone - 10digitphonenumber@inlandlink.com
MCI - 10digitphonenumber@pagemci.com
Metrocall - 10digitpagernumber@page.metrocall.com
Metrocall 2-way - 10digitpagernumber@my2way.com
Metro PCS - 10digitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
Microcell - 10digitphonenumber@fido.ca
Midwest Wireless - 10digitphonenumber@clearlydigital.com
Mobilcomm - 10digitphonenumber@mobilecomm.net
MTS - 10digitphonenumber@text.mtsmobility.com
Nextel - 10digitphonenumber@messaging.nextel.com
OnlineBeep - 10digitphonenumber@onlinebeep.net
PCS One - 10digitphonenumber@pcsone.net
President's Choice - 10digitphonenumber@txt.bell.ca
Public Service Cellular - 10digitphonenumber@sms.pscel.com
Qwest - 10digitphonenumber@qwestmp.com
Rogers AT&T Wireless - 10digitphonenumber@pcs.rogers.com
Rogers Canada - 10digitphonenumber@pcs.rogers.com
Satellink - 10digitpagernumber.pageme@satellink.net
Southwestern Bell - 10digitphonenumber@email.swbw.com
Sprint - 10digitphonenumber@messaging.sprintpcs.com
Sumcom - 10digitphonenumber@tms.suncom.com
Surewest Communicaitons - 10digitphonenumber@mobile.surewest.com
T-Mobile - 10digitphonenumber@tmomail.net
Telus - 10digitphonenumber@msg.telus.com
Tracfone - 10digitphonenumber@txt.att.net
Triton - 10digitphonenumber@tms.suncom.com
Unicel - 10digitphonenumber@utext.com
US Cellular - 10digitphonenumber@email.uscc.net
Solo Mobile - 10digitphonenumber@txt.bell.ca
Sprint - 10digitphonenumber@messaging.sprintpcs.com
Sumcom - 10digitphonenumber@tms.suncom.com
Surewest Communicaitons - 10digitphonenumber@mobile.surewest.com
T-Mobile - 10digitphonenumber@tmomail.net
Telus - 10digitphonenumber@msg.telus.com
Triton - 10digitphonenumber@tms.suncom.com
Unicel - 10digitphonenumber@utext.com
US Cellular - 10digitphonenumber@email.uscc.net
US West - 10digitphonenumber@uswestdatamail.com
Verizon - 10digitphonenumber@vtext.com
Virgin Mobile - 10digitphonenumber@vmobl.com
Virgin Mobile Canada - 10digitphonenumber@vmobile.ca
West Central Wireless - 10digitphonenumber@sms.wcc.net
Western Wireless - 10digitphonenumber@cellularonewest.com

Email Attachment

Should the voicemail be attached to the email

Play CID

Should the caller ID be announced before the message? Example: "Voicemail from 6025551212"

Play Envelope

Should the date and time be played before the message? Example: "Voicemail received on 7 12 2015 at 4 23 PM"

Delete Voicemail

Should the system delete the voicemail file after the message is sent? 


If delete voicemail is set to yes with email attachment set to no, the message will be lost forever.

VM Options

Voicemail box specific options separated with a | 

These are optional and are generally unused. There may be cases where you need to set these items at a user level.


This setting can be used to identify the source of a voicemail notification message. The value is a string which can be encoded one of two ways. If the string is of the formsomeone@host.com, then the string will be used as the source address for all voicemail notification emails. If the string is of the form someone, then the host name of the machine running Asterisk will be postpended to the string after insertion of a '@'.


Time zone


Imap username if imap storage is used


Imap password if imap storage is used


Sometimes it is nice to let a caller review their message before committing it to a mailbox. This setting takes a yes or no value. If set to yes, then the caller will be asked to review the message, or save it as is after they have pressed '#'. If set to no, the message will be saved and the voice maill system will disconnect the caller. The default value for review is no. This setting is only available in versions of Asterisk with advanced voicemail feature support.


This limits the number of messages in a voicemail folder. The maximum value is 9999 (hard coded) and the default 100. When a mailbox has more than this number of messages in it, new messages can not be recorded and vm-mailboxfull is played to the caller. No more messages possible is also logged. This setting was introduced in 1.2. In previous versions it was hard coded to 100.


Set the gain to use when sending a recorded message via email attachment. Requires sox.


This setting enables the user to reach an operator during the time the voicemail message is being recorded, or once a voicemail message has been left, if the review option has been set to yes. This setting takes a yes or no value. The operator must be specified at extension 'o' in extensions.conf, in the context you specify with the voicemail.conf option exitcontext(see below). This setting is only available in versions of Asterisk with advanced voicemail feature support.


Specify a context to be used from the "return phone call" feature in the advanced voicemail features menu. This setting takes a string value set to the outgoing context to be used. The default value for this setting is an empty string. This setting is only available in versions of Asterisk with advanced voicemail feature support.


Specify a context to be used from the "place an outgoing call" feature in the advanced voicemail features menu. This setting takes a string value set to the outgoing context to be used. The default value for this setting is an empty string. This setting is only available in versions of Asterisk with advanced voicemail feature support.


Optional context to drop the user into after he/she has pressed * or 0 to exit voicemail. If not set, pressing * or 0 will return the caller to the last context they were in before being sent to voicemail (assuming that context has a 'a' or 'o' extension).

VM Context

This is the Voicemail Context which is normally set to default. Do not change unless you understand the implications.

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