PBX GUI - EPM-Custom Firmware Management

PBX GUI - EPM-Custom Firmware Management


Endpoint Manager (EPM) currently has long had the option to manually copy custom firmware to FreePBX/PBXact systems.  Refer to  EPM-Admin User Guide#AdminUserGuide-InstallingCustomFirmware but this process involves manual operation and lacks a polished user experience.

The intent of this feature is to provide a better front end to manage the custom firmware upload mechanism in Endpoint Manager (Commercial module).


What is Custom FW

Custom Firmware here means firmware which is not officially supported by Endpoint Manager module. This is a specific phone firmware which a user uploads to configure Endpoint Manager to use to upgrade their phone(s).


Custom FW

It is the user's responsibility to choose the right custom firmware for their phone(s). Uploading a bad firmware , non-supported or end of life firmware to Endpoint Manager may adversely affect your phone device. Please ensure to test and upload a proper custom firmware.

How to use custom firmware with Endpoint Manager

Uploading and using custom firmware is a 3 step process as defined below - 

1) Upload custom firmware using Endpoint Manager GUI.

2) Specify the "custom" firmware i.e. "0.0" to the required slot (1 or 2 depends on your requirement) via Firmware Management section. Please refer to CustomFirmwareManagement-SelectingCustomFirmwareinFirmwareManagement 

3) Edit brand specific template to choose that custom defined firmware slot. Please refer to EPM-Admin User Guide: Firmware Management 

Uploading custom firmware

Click the button called "Custom Firmware Management" under "Endpoint Manager → Right Navigator → Firmware Management" section.


We can use "Firmware Upload" button from "Custom Firmware Management" page to upload custom firmware.

New pop up will open as soon as we click on "firmware upload" button. 

This pop up will ask for below information - 

  • Phone Brand - Drop down list of previously "added brands" .  Select the brand for which , you are going to upload custom firmware.

  • Phone Model - Enter phone model number. for example S705 for Sangoma phones or GXP 2160 for Grandstream etc.

  • Phone Firmware version - Enter firmware version details of the custom firmware. for example for Sangoma S705 or  for GS 2160 phones.

    • Upload Firmware - Upload firmware file.

Firmware file must have same name and format as requested by phone. Endpoint Manager will simply copy the given firmware file to respective location from where a phone will read the new firmware file.

Endpoint Manager does not and cannot validate the uploaded file or filename. Please take steps to ensure you are not uploading a bad firmware.

Example - As shown in below screenshot we are trying to upload custom Grand stream firmware.


Once firmware upload is done, we can see the status of all "uploaded" custom firmware details from the main "Custom Firmware Management" landing page.

Like as mentioned in below screenshot.


Selecting Custom Firmware in Firmware Management 

"Firmware Management  → <Specific Brand > "  We have option to configure Endpoint Manager firmware version to specific slot.

If we like to use "Custom firmware" then we will use "0.0" as Endpoint Manager firmware version to any of the slot.

As shown in below screenshot, We have configured "custom firmware" to slot-1. It will displayed current uploaded "custom" firmware details for that specific "brand".


Configuration of Custom firmware into specific slot using Firmware Management and selection of Firmware slots in template process is same as mentioned in EPM-Admin User Guide: Firmware Management


Frequently Asked Questions : 

 Can I upload multiple brands phone firmware into custom firmware management section ? 

A: Yes we can upload multiple brands firmware into this section. "Custom firmware management" landing page will list the all the uploaded firmware along with there model , firmware version details. We can upload , delete firmware from this section.

 I have uploaded multiple brands firmware like Cisco , Grandstream etc so now how do I configure Endpoint Manager to use these custom firmware ? 

A:  We have to specify the custom firmware i.e. "0.0" into each "brand" like Cisco and Grandstream as mentioned above or in EPM-Admin User Guide: Firmware Management . As soon as we specify custom firmware , Endpoint Manager picks the respective brands custom firmware as uploaded in "Custom firmware management" section.

 I am already using custom firmware with manually uploaded (via ssh and then manually copy the firmware) to FreePBX. Do I have to switch to new "custom upload firmware " mechanism  ?

A: Not really.  If you have "custom firmware" selected and then when you enter to "firmware management " → <specific brand> " then , EPM will ask you , if you want to switch to new method or not ? 

Please note that, If you would like to switch to new method, then you will have to upload "custom firmware" again in "Custom firmware management" section. 

If you like to continue with your existing method, then simply ignore this prompt by pressing "cancel" button.




 What if i am trying to use "custom firmware" first time and forget to upload firmware into "custom firmware management" section ?

A:  Now , as soon as we select / submit custom firmware "0.0" into desired slot, t will show the available custom firmware details.

If there is not firmware it will mentioned no custom firmware available so please upload as shown in below screenshot.

 Why there is no edit button to edit the details of uploaded firmware.

 A: In order to provide simple interface , its better to delete the existing firmware and add new one with new details. 

 Can I use custom firmware slot "0.0" into both the slots i.e. 1 or 2 ?

 A:  Yes you could use but that means in both the slots same list of custom firmware associated with respective brand will be applicable. 

 What should be the max size of firmware which I can upload ? 

A:  We should be able to easily upload larger size firmware size so it should support all latest phone firmware sizes.




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