PBX GUI - Sangoma-FreePBX_PBXact-v1.0.0
Zapier for Sangoma
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Sangoma - FreePBX/PBXact v1.0.0
This is the first release of our Zapier Integration relased in a Beta version on 2021 Feb 17th.
Sangoma - FreePBX/PBXact Integration allows you to easily connect to more than 3000 other integration effortlessly: Just think about the flow you want to set up!
According to the Sangoma CRM REST API#Configuration, your PBX will generate a Webhook towards the Sangoma Zap on a call Start / End / Start and End, and will Trigger Zapier asking to take the next step.
The next step can be Action provided by another integration such as Slack, GMail or any other available integration code.
One of the fundamental requisites of using Sangoma - FreePBX/PBXact is to have either FreePBX or PBXact with Sangoma CRM Module installed and licensed for use. This module comes free of charge if you own a PBXact System (see all include features here ). On FreePBX, the CRM Module is available as an Add-on: further details here.
CRM API Token: Here you have to input the API token value you can find in your PBX GUI under Modules / Settings / CRM API Settings: Sangoma CRM REST API#Configuration.
Connection Protocol: This allows you to choose among all the Sangoma CRM available connection protocols: System Admin - Port Management. Look at PBX GUI HTTP (Non HTTPS) / PBX GUI HTTPS for suggested API connection protocols.
Connection Port: Choose the port that is going to be used by Sangoma CRM to receive Zapier connections: Ports used on your PBX. Look at PBX GUI HTTP (Non-HTTPS) / PBX GUI HTTPS for suggested API ports.
PBX FQDN or PUBLIC IPv4 Address: Input IP address or FQDN of your PBX according to the CRM API documentation Sangoma CRM REST API#Usefultoknow:.
New Inbound Call: Triggers when a New Inbound Call is received on your PBX.
New Outbound Call: Triggers when a New Outbound Call is placed on your PBX.
New Both Call:Triggers when whether a New Inbound Call is received or A New Outbound is placed on your PBX.
Search Call Data: Search for a Call (Inbound or Outbound) based on a specific UUID.