PBX GUI - System Admin-Support
This wiki is for the Support page of System Admin, not to be confused with the Support VPN page.
The Support page in System Admin helps you prepare for receiving technical support related to your system. You can quickly and easily set up SSH keys that will give Sangoma support staff access to your server, and you can remove those keys when you no longer need them. You can also download system information files (log dumps) that you can give to the support team.
For more information on paid support options, please see these wikis:
How to Purchase Support Credits
How to Open a Support Ticket
Logging In
On the top menu click Admin
In the drop-down menu click System Admin
In the menu at the right, click Support
Remote Support
As per our Terms of Service, we require direct SSH access to deliver service on all support requests. We're unable to use VPN clients or desktop sharing.
To enhance security, and ease support issues, you may install the "ssh_keys" RPM package. This package permits authorized Sangoma support staff to access your server without the need to divulge any system passwords. This does not alter any existing authorized keys, and may be removed at any time.
To determine whether you have the SSH Keys package installed, you can check the status displayed to the right of SSH Keys Package. The Remove/Install button changes according to whether you have the keys installed or not, and the status is displayed to the right of the button.
To install the SSH Keys package:
Verify that the installation status is currently "not installed" and that an Install button is available, as shown below.
Click the Install button.
The button will temporarily gray-out as it says "Pending" and then "Installing."
When installation is finished, the button will change to say Remove (don't click it!) and the status will say installed, as shown below. The SSH Keys package is now installed on your system.
To uninstall the SSH Keys package:
Verify that the installation status is currently "installed" and that a Remove button is available as shown below.
Click the Remove button.
The button will temporarily gray-out as it says "Pending" and then "Removing."
When the SSH Keys have been removed, the button will change to say Install (don't click it!) and the status will say not installed, as shown below. Sangoma support staff will no longer have access to your system.
Support Files
This section of the module lets you download a ZIP file containing system information for Sangoma support staff.
Use the Yes/No toggle buttons to select which items to include in your report. Make your selections according to what has been requested by support staff. If no specific selections have been requested, you can leave everything set to default. The defaults are shown above.
FreePBX Versions: A list of all modules installed, and their versions
System Information: Operating system information
Asterisk Logs: The last 24 hours of Asterisk logs
Firewall Settings: Current ip-tables save output
ASTDB Dump: Complete ASTDB dump (not MySQL)
License Information: License information and status of this server
Dialplan: Complete dialplan as generated by FreePBX (including _custom files)
SIP Settings: SIP configuration settings. Will contain secret information.
PJSIP Settings: PJSIP configuration settings. Will contain secret information.
IAX Settings: IAX configuration settings. Will contain secret information.
After you've made your selections, click the Download button to save the ZIP file to your computer.