System Admin-Packet Capture

System Admin-Packet Capture


The Packet Capture page allows you to start and stop a system-level packet capture on your system, and to download the resulting packet capture files (where you may analyze them using tools such as Wireshark)

This feature is available in SysAdmin Pro starting in version 15.0.21

Logging in

  • On the top menu click Admin

  • In the drop down click System Admin

  • In the right side navigation box click Packet Capture


Start Packet Capture - Starts a system packet capture into a new file

Stop Packet Capture - Stops the currently active system packet capture

Each packet capture is limited to 500 MB. If the packet capture exceeds this size, the current capture will continue to run, using the same file from zero length (discarding the packets captured earlier). If you don't want to lose the first packets captured, make sure you stop the packet capture before the size reaches 500 MB

Packet Capture Status

Displays the status of the current packet capture or last completed packet capture including the file name and how many packets have been captured. During captures this display updates every second

Available Packet Captures

Displays a list of available packet captures created with the "Start PCAP" action.

You may sort by PCAP File name (which effectively sorts by date based on the file naming convention), or by file Size by clicking on the respective headers

The action column allows you to take the following actions with any packet capture file on the list:

  • Download as a PCAP file

  • Download as zip file

  • Delete the file


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