PBX GUI - VoIP Innovations SIP Trunk setup
VoIP Innovations offers aggressive wholesale rates on carrier services that include everything from origination, termination, and SMS/MMS to advanced services such as E911 and Telecom Fraud Mitigation and in this wiki we shall layout the setup of VoIP Innovations SIP Trunks.
In this example bare in mind two things:
1) This setup is shown in PBXact, however FreePBX users may also follow this example.
2) We are only going to show Chan_pjSIP setup and if you are running an older install that does not yet support Chan_pjSIP then what are you waiting for? Time to plan an upgrade.
It is also worth noting that for PBXes behind a dedicated firewall/router I am only covering firewall setup on the PBX ( and only in relation to this exercise) as the PBXact example is directly connected to the Internet. You will want to consult your network professional for assistance with your LAN/WAN setup if needed.
Setup - This process consists of building two Chan_pjSIP Trunks, adding entries into the PBXact Firewall, one PINSET, three Outbound Routes, and ( in this case ) one Inbound Route.
Outbound: Host= / Inbound: Host=
Setup the Trunks
1)Go to Trunks | 2)Choose Add SIP (Chan_pjsip ) Trunk |
3)Name the trunk. In this example I am building them in reverse and named this one 'Secondary_Orig_Term_Server' | 4)Go to pjsip settings and set Authentication to 'none', Registration to 'none' and enter as the SIP Server. |
5)Choose the Advanced Tab | 6)Scroll down to 'Match (Permit)' and enter,,,,
7)Now Create a second Chan_pjsip Trunk and name it 'Primary_Origination_Server', use as the SIP Server and the same 'Match (Permit)' entry as the previous step. Submit the changes at this point.
| 8)Make Firewall Entries by entering the Origination Proxies as trusted by going to Modules → Connectivity → Firewall and make the following entries in the Networks tab:
Origination Servers Primary Origination Server
Secondary Origination Server
Tertiary Origination Server
Quaternary Origination Server
Quinary Origination Server It is advised to label each entry for ease of management. |
EXAMPLE: This is what these entries should appear like in the Firewall GUI. | NOTE: 'Primary_Origination_Server' indicates that this trunk will be used for Inbound calls only. 'Secondary_Orig_Term_Server' indicates a Secondary trunk for Inbound and is also your 'Termination' or 'Outbound' trunk. In some cases you may want to make five Inbound Trunks for each of the following proxies. ( This setup example doesn't require it ) Use the same list as the Match Permit and Firewall use. |
Create the Outbound Routes
For most circumstances, these three Outbound Routes are a good starting point. On a fresh install 1)click on the Add Outbound Route button to get started. | 2) Create the 'E911-Leave-First' route ensuring that 'Route Type' is set to 'Emergency and set the 'Trunk Sequence for Matched Routes' to 'Secondary_Orig_Term_Server' |
3) Set the 'E911-Leave-First' dial pattern as shown below. | 4)Create a new Outbound Route named 'VI-Out' and set the 'Trunk Sequence for Matched Routes' to 'Secondary_Orig_Term_Server' |
5)Set the 'VI-Out' dial pattern as shown below. | 6)In preparation for creating the "International Calling" Outbound Route create a PIN Set to help secure the route as a recommended step. |
7)Create an Outbound Route named 'International Calling' and set the 'Trunk Sequence for Matched Routes' to 'Secondary_Orig_Term_Server' | 8)Set the 'International Calling' dial pattern as shown below. |
9)Select Additional Settings then select the 'International Calling' PIN Set and Submit and Apply Config. |
Create the Inbound Route(s)
Last step is to create your Inbound Route(s) and point the DID(s) at the desired destination. NOTE: By Default, Inbound calls will appear in the E164 format, i.e. +13607464343 Submit and Apply Config to complete this setup. | NOTE: You can change the DID format in the VoIP Innovations Portal → Endpoint Group Settings. To remove the "+" check the "Strip Plus" button and click "Update Endpoint Group" to apply the change. This will result in an 11 digit DID. For a 10 Digit DID, Uncheck the "Strip Plus" button ( if checked ) and check the "Strip CC" ( Country Code ) button and click "Update Endpoint Group" to apply the change. If you make any of these changes, go back and review your Inbound Routes to ensure that digits match ( 10, 11 or E164.) |