PBX GUI - Manage Modules Via CLI

PBX GUI - Manage Modules Via CLI

This page refers to systems running PBX version 12 and earlier, which are now end of life. Please see this this page for current systems: fwconsole commands (13+), and additionally this page for FreePBX 15+ fwconsole commands (15+)

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The GUI interface should always be used to manage your PBX, and the "Module Admin" Module should be used within the GUI for adding and removing modules, however it is possible to manage modules directly via the CLI.

As an example to install the "System Admin" module you could issue the following command via the Linux CLI:

amportal a ma install sysadmin

Additional commands and parameters are listed below:

Module Admin Functions

amportal a ma [params] <operation> <module> [parameters..]   PARAMETERS:   -f  Force operation (skips dependency and status checks)       WARNING: Use at your own risk, modules have dependencies for a reason!   -R, --repo, --repos repo1,repo2,repo3...)       List of repositories to check, valid options: standard, extended, unsupported, commercial.)       Locally installed modules will be checked despite the repository list.) OPERATIONS:   checkdepends <module>       Check if module meets all dependencies   delete <module>       Disable, uninstall, and delete the specified module   deleteall       Disable, uninstall, and delete ALL MODULES       WARNING: Use at your own risk, this will remove ALL MODULES from your system!   disable <module>       Disable the specified module   download <module>       Download the module from the website       If -f is used, downloads even if there is already a copy.   enable <module>       Enable the specified module   info <module>       Get information about a given module   i18n <module>       print out i18n required text for the given module   install <module>       Install the module (must exist in the modules directory)   installlocal       Installs any module not installed that is locally available   installall       Installs all module that exist in the repository   refreshsignatures       ReDownloads all modules that have invalid signatures   list       List all local modules and their current status   listonline       List all local and repository modules and their current status   reload       Reload the configuration (same as pressing the reload bar)   reversedepends <module>       Show all modules that depend on this one   showupgrades       Show a list of upgradable modules   showannounce       Shows any annoucements that maybe displayed at freepbx.org for this version   uninstall <module>       Disable and uninstall the specified module   upgrade <module>       Equivalent to running download and install   upgradeall       Downloads and upgrades all modules with pending updates   --help, -h, -?           Show this help


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