PBX GUI - amportal commands
This page refers to systems running PBX version 12 and earlier, which are now end of life. Please see this this page for current systems: fwconsole commands (13+), and additionally this page for FreePBX 15+ fwconsole commands (15+)
"amportal" is the Linux command that controls FreePBX from the Linux command prompt.
To access the command prompt, log-in to the machine where you installed FreePBX/Asterisk using your "root" username and password. You can do so by accessing the keyboard of the machine where you installed FreePBX, or remotely using an SSH client such as Putty.
Then type one of the following "amportal" commands:
- 1 Restart
- 2 Chown
- 3 Reload
- 4 Unlock
- 5 Database
- 6 Manager Resync
- 7 UCP
- 7.1 Enable All
- 7.2 Session Unlock
- 8 User Manager
- 8.1 Enable All
amportal restart- This is how FreePBX starts asterisk and any other processes it need. You should always start and restart asterisk with the amportal command not the service asterisk or /etc/init.d/asterisk commands
[root@localhost ~]# amportal restart
Please wait...
Waiting for Asterisk to Stop Gracefully...
Asterisk Stopped
Permissions OK
Asterisk Started
[root@localhost ~]#
[root@localhost ~]# amportal stop
Please wait...
Waiting for Asterisk to Stop Gracefully...
Asterisk ended with exit status 0
Asterisk shutdown normally.
Asterisk Stopped
[root@localhost ~]#
[root@localhost ~]# amportal start
Please wait...
Permissions OK
Asterisk Started
[root@localhost ~]# |
amportal chown- This will change ownership of all files and directories that FreePBX needs to be owned by the apache user.
[root@localhost ~]# amportal chown
Please wait...
Permissions OK
[root@localhost ~]# |
amportal a r- This will perform a reload of all the dialplan in Asterisk and all the modules in asterisk. This is the same as pressing the "Apply Changes" button in the GUI of FreePBX
[root@localhost ~]# amportal a r
Please wait...
Successfully reloaded
[root@localhost ~]# |
amportal a u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx- The amportal a u command will unlock the GUI login of FreePBX to let you into the FreePBX GUI without the username and password. This is handy if you lost or misplaced your FreePBX GUI username or password and need to get into the GUI to change or setup a new user. You need to replace the xxxxxxx with your PHP session ID. Follow the steps below.
Bring up the main login page to FreePBX in your browser. Such as
Do a "ctrl a" to highlight the whole page and look to the left center of the screen for some text. This is your unique php session ID. Copy this into your clipboard.
Go into the linux CLI and type the following command replacing the session ID below with your own.
[root@localhost ~]# amportal a u ppnr8l1vle32s3q8b79s4n1sp7 Please wait... session unlocked! [root@localhost ~]#
Go refresh your browser page and it will log you in this one time automatically for you based on that php session ID. Now you can go add or change the FreePBX admin users.
amportal a m- This will log you into the mysql database as the FreePBX user automatically for you based on the username and password for MySQL in /etc/freepbx.conf
[root@localhost ~]# amportal a m
Please wait...
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 629
Server version: 5.1.61-log Source distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> |
Manager Resync
amportal a s- This will resync the credentials between FreePBX and /etc/asterisk/manager.conf, then it will restart Asterisk
[root@localhost ~]# amportal a s
Fetching FreePBX settings with gen_amp_conf.php..
Manager ReSynced, restarting Asterisk |
usage: amportal (admin|a) ucp <option>
Enable All
enableall|en: Enables UCP login for all User Manager users
[root@localhost ~]# amportal a ucp enableall
Fetching FreePBX settings with gen_amp_conf.php..
All Users have been successfully enabled! |
Session Unlock
unlock|u: Allows remote session unlock in UCP. Ex: amportal a ucp u <user> <session>
Highlight the bottom corner of the login box to get the session id for your browser.
User Manager
usage: amportal (admin|a) userman <option>
Enable All
migrate|m: Migrates all users from Voicemail.conf into Usermanager
[root@localhost ~]# amportal a userman m
Fetching FreePBX settings with gen_amp_conf.php..
Starting to migrate Voicemail users
Voicemail User 'demo' already has '1002' as it's default extension. Skipping
Voicemail User 'anagy' already has '1000' as it's default extension. Skipping
Added 1003 with password of 55555
Now run: amportal a ucp enableall
To give all users access to UCP |