PBX Platforms - Adding E911 to other Numbers
Once you log in to your PBXact Cloud account, you should see a screen like this. You can update your numbers as well as your Master e911 Address from 2 different locations labeled below with arrows.
By clicking on either area, you will brought to the same page which displays all of your numbers.
Notice the first DID in this example is set as our Master e911. Press the Edit button of another DID to add e911 for that DID.
Fill out all the information and agree to the Additional Charges at the bottom.
When you're finished, press the Save E911 button at the bottom.
After you save, you'll notice that our first DID is still marked as our Master e911. To change this to another DID, press the Edit button of the other DID.
Now at the bottom you'll see two new options labeled with arrows: Set as master e911 or Delete e911 Address.
If you press Set as master e911, you'll be prompted with this message asking are you sure you want to set this DID as your master E911 DID. Press the Accept button to proceed or Close to exit.
Now you will see our second DID is now set as our Master e911 DID.