PBX Platforms - Adding new Numbers

PBX Platforms - Adding new Numbers

  1. Once you log in to your PBXact Cloud account, you should see a screen like this.

  2. Click the green button that says Add new services from the options at the left to add new numbers.

  3. From here you can add extensions as well as Inbound numbers, which is what we want to focus on in this wiki.

  4. Focusing on the Inbound numbers section, you can:

    1. Toggle between adding DIDs and Toll Free numbers.

    2. Set the country, which will be either Canada or the United States of America.

    3. Select the State or Province.

    4. Select the Rate Center.

    5. Select your DIDs. You can filter numbers with Begins with, Ends with and Contains. You can also select required features such as SMS Capable and T38 Capable.

    6. When you have your DID(s) selected, press the NEXT button.

  5. A Checkout page will then display. It will show your Order Summary. Make sure everything looks accurate here before you proceed.

  6. Lastly, read over and check the Terms and Conditions box, enter in your Access Code, select or add a New Cred Card and then press the SUBMIT ORDER button.


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