XactView V3-My Stream Widget

The My Stream widget is used by the user to view their activity in the system. This widget will display information about the current logged in user such as current active calls, call history and chat sessions. The My Stream widget also provides an interface for call management actions on calls that belong to the user.


The left hand side of the My Stream widget will display all current accounts (extensions, alternative numbers, chat sessions) that are assigned to the user.

  • Account Filtering- By selecting a specific account in the account list on the left hand side of the My Stream widget, users can filter the contents of the stream to only show information about that selected account. For example, if you select an extension in the account list, the stream on the right hand side will only show active calls and call history for that selected extension. Users can select "All Accounts" in order to see all active calls and call history for all phone based accounts (excludes chat sessions).

  • Drag From Accounts- Users can drag extension accounts from the account list to the following destinations in order to originate calls from the dragged account to the dropped destination:

    • Users (can utilize the default account, See "Default Account Selection" below and Users widget for more information)

    • User Extensions

    • User Alternative Phone Numbers

    • User Voicemail Boxes (will not ring destination extension)

    • Conference Rooms

  • Drag To Accounts- Users can drop other accounts from the Users widget onto an account in the My Stream account list in order to originate a call from the dropped account to the account that was dropped on. Users can drop calls from the following locations in order to transfer those calls to the destination account:

    • Users

    • Queues

    • Parking Lots

    • Conference Rooms


If "All Accounts", an extension or alternative phone number is selected in the accounts list, the stream will show all active calls for the selected account.

  • Dragging Calls- Calls listed in the My Stream widget can be dragged to the following locations in order to transfer that call to the destination.

    • Users (can utilize the default account, See "Default Account Selection" below and Users widget for more information)

    • User Extensions

    • User Alternative Phone Numbers

    • User Voicemail Boxes (will not ring destination extension)

    • Conference Rooms

    • Parking Lots

    • Queues

  • Call Actions- When a call is listed in the My Stream widget it will contain several buttons that will allow the user to perform actions on the call.

    • Hangup- Hangup the call. If the call is currently ringing and not yet picked up the hangup button will perform an ignore of the call possibly sending the call to the user's voicemail box.

    • Record- Toggles on demand recording of this call on and off.

    • Hold- Places this call on hold or takes the call off of hold.

    • Park- Parks this call in the parking lot.

    • Mute/Unmute- This button will appear if you are on a barged call and will allow you to change the barge type to the one of the following:

      • Mute- You can hear both parties on the conversation, but they cannot hear you.

      • Agent Only- You can hear both parties on the conversation and only the agent you barged in on can hear you.

      • Unmute- You can hear both parties on the conversation and both parties can hear you.

    • CRM- This button will appear if you have CRM widgets open and the call is able to open a CRM popup. If there are more than one CRM widgets open you will be asked to choose which CRM widget you wish to open the popup with. See CRM widget for more information.

Call History

If "All Accounts", an extension or alternative phone number is selected in the accounts list, the stream will show all call history for the selected account. Users can double click one of these call history items in order to originate a call from their selected default account (See "Default Account Selection" below) to the number specified in the Call History item's caller ID.

Default Account Selection

When the user originates calls within the panel the default account will be used to create that call. A default account will be shown as bold in the account list to indicate that that account is the currently selected "Default Account." Users can specify which account is their default account by right-clicking an account and selecting "Set Default."


The My Stream Widget will also allow the User to manage and interact with their current Chat sessions in the system.



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