Phones - Enabling Phone Apps on a Sangoma Phone

Phones - Enabling Phone Apps on a Sangoma Phone


Commercial Module


Adding the Phone Apps to a device requires that you have the Phone Apps module installed along with a valid license. To purchase the Phones Apps module, please see this wiki on how to Purchase Commercial Modules. You will also need to make sure you have a valid Commercial End Point Manager module.

Sangoma Phone Notice

If you are using a Sangoma s400, s500 or s700 phone you will not need to purchase the Phone Apps module or End Point Manager Module as these modules will work with Sangoma Phones out of the box with no license purchasing needed.

Make sure you have the following versions installed

  • Phone Apps on version 13.0.9 or newer

  • End Point Manager on version 13.0.39 or newer

  • User Management on version 13.0.57 or newer


Once all the above requirements are met, you can go through the below setup.

Verify Phone Apps is Enabled for the User

  1. Review the User Management Module User Guide for full details on the User Management module which includes the ability to enable Phone Apps for users.  Below we will cover just the needs for the Phone Apps user section of User Management that we need to enable for Phone Apps to work.

  2. Navigate to your User Management module on your PBX.

  3. Edit a user that you want to enable for Phone Apps access to.


  4. Navigate to the Phone Apps Section.

  5. Make sure the user is enabled for Phone Apps.

    1. Either set this option to Yes or if set to Inherit verify the Group that the User belongs to has the permissions set to Enabled under Group Permissions of User Management.

  6. You can also manage restrictions from within each application with these sub tabs.

  7. Save you changes

Map Applications to Phones

  1. Log into your commercial End Point Manager (EPM) and either create or edit a template for a supported device. In our example, we are going to pick Sangoma Brand. For the purpose of this wiki, we will assume you know how to use the commercial EPM, and we will only cover how to add an application to a template. For more information on how to use the commercial EPM, please see the End Point Manager wiki.

  2. Click on the template in End Point Manager that you want add Applications for.

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the template and select a model number you want to add a Intercom Button for.


  4. Scroll down the your first available Line Key that is not used

  5. From the Drop Down of button types pick XML-API

  6. You can optionally change the label name to be something different then Parking if you want.  The Label is the name that will be shown on your Phone Screen for that button.

  7. You can now drag the button to be in a different spot. In our example we will drag Button 21 that we just setup as a Intercom button up toward the top to make it button 4 on the phone.  Left click on the button and while holding down your left mouse drag the button to a different spot and release it.

  8. Save the Model using the 


  9. If you go back into the model number it will show Intercom as button 4 now.


  10. We now need to update the phone config.  Our 3 options at the bottom of the template are

  • Save Template- This will only save your changed into the PBX Database but will not write out new config files for the phones that are using this template as mapped in Extension Mapping section of End Pint Manager.

  • and Rebuild Configs- This will save your changes to the PBX Database and will also write out new config file for the phones that are using this template as mapped in Extension Mapping section of End Pint Manager but the phones will need to be rebooted for it to retrieve the changes.

  • and Force Update- Will do both the Rebuild Configs option above but also update any phones that are mapped to use this template and currently registered to the PBX immediately with no need to reboot the phones.

Open the Phone Apps Port if Using External Phones

  1. If your phone is external from your PBX, and your PBX is behind a firewall, you will need to open the Phone Apps port. To do this, go into the System Admin module and click on the Port Management section.

  2. Locate the Phone Apps port.


  3. Optional: You can change this port if you would like. If you change it, click the Update Now button to save the changes.

  4. Do not forget to open your firewall for this port if external phones will connect to the PBX and need access to the RESTful Phone Apps. The phones will use this port when connecting to the phone apps.

Start the Process Script

  1. After you have licensed Phone Apps, you need to start the demon that watches for hints the first time, as this could not be started when there was no license. This script will be auto-started any time amportal start is run, which includes on boot up.

    1. PBX Version 13 or Newer

      1. fwconsole restart restapps

[root@mypbx]# fwconsole restart restapps Restapps daemon stopped Running Restapps Hooks Starting Restapps daemon Restapps daemon done [root@mypbx]#
  1. PBX Versiopn 12 or Older

    1. /etc/init.d/restapps restart

[root@mybox ~]# /etc/init.d/restapps restart Shutting down REST applications daemon: [ OK ] Starting REST applications daemon: [ OK ] [root@mybox ~]#

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