Digium Phones - Using the Phone's App Development Web Page

Digium Phones - Using the Phone's App Development Web Page

Desk Phone API features described in this section are deprecated and supported only on the following models: D40, d45, d50, d60, d62, d65, d70

The Sangoma Phone's development tools are available via a web page after you enable the phone's App Development mode. This guide describes how to access the app development web page and to use the tools available there.


Accessing the App Development Web Page

Access the web page using a web browser and a URL based on the IP address of the development phone on which you enabled App Development. To find the IP address of your phone, select About from the phone's Main Menu.

Note: We recommend using the Google Chrome browser with the app development page.

To display the App Development web page, navigate to

User Name: admin
Password: 789

Where phone_ip-address is the IP address of your development phone. 

Adding an App

The app development page displays an Add app button, and if there are custom apps installed already, a table listing the installed Apps with action buttons: Settings and Delete.

  1. Click the Add app button. This displays the page with the App Package File text box.

  2. Click inside the text box (Click to add file). This displays your hard drive directory system.

  3. Find and select the zip file that contains your custom app, then click the Open option. This adds the zip file name to the text box.

  4. Click Submit to upload the file. A popup displays a message that the upload was successful. Now the App Settings tools are available for use on the uploaded app.

Using the App Review Tools

  1. Click Start to start an installed app in the background, if it isn't already running. After starting an app, the icon for the app is displayed in the phone's Main Menu>Applications. And it is also displayed in the list of Apps and Actions when you redisplay the Digium Phone User Apps page.

  2. Click Stop to cause the app to shut down. You can't use this if you have Always Running set to Yes, because the phone starts the app if it is not running.

  3. Click Show to start an app, if necessary, and display it on the phone in full-screen mode.

  4. Click View Debug Log to display logging output from the app, including print() and println() output from the app itself, and certain error messages generated by the app engine related to the specified app.


See Also: 


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