Sangoma CX IVR Builder Reports Guide


IVR Builder is a no-code / low code designer module that allows creating Voice Applications that can automate, partially or fully, call handling.

The IVR Builder includes a set of reports that provides detailed information of the calls managed by this module. This guide provides information on the available reports, and how to access them.

Launching IVR Builder Reports

Launch Sangoma CX, and login using your Sangoma CX Credentials. Please note to access the IVR Builder Reports, the user must be part of a group that has “Studio report viewing” permission enabled.

To access the IVR Builder Reports from the Sangoma CX menu, click on the Studio option.

The Studio page will open. The reports are available under the REPORTS menu located on the right.

IVR Reports

IVR Builder has three reports that provide information related to the calls processed by the IVR module.

All reports have a filter that allows getting just the information you are interested in.

Reports can also be exported to CSV or Excel formats.

The available reports are:

  • Call History Report

  • Efficiency Report

  • Service Rework Report

Call History Report

This report provides detailed information for each call processed by the IVR that matched the filter criteria.

The details provided per call includes:

  • Start: The date and time the call reached the IVR.

  • End: The date and time the call was terminated in the IVR.

  • Duration: The time the call was in the IVR.

  • Start Call Flow: the first Call Flow invoked in the call.

  • End Call Flow: the last Call Flow invoked in the call.

  • Last Action: Details how the call was terminated. Calls can be terminated by hanging up or transferring.

  • Area Code: This is the caller Area Code.

  • Caller: This is the caller phone number without the Area Code.

  • Actions : Provides a hyperlink to See Journey  and   Show CDR  . 

    • See Journey action, displays a report detailing all the Call Flows executed on that call.

    • The details provided per Call Flow includes:

      • Start : The date and time the call landed in the Call Flow.

      • End : The date and time the call exited the Call Flow.

      • Duration : The time the call was in the Call Flow.

      • Project : This is the Project Name where the executed Call Flow is located.

      • Call Flow : This is the name of the Call Flow executed.

      • Last Action : Details who and how the call was terminated. Calls can be terminated by hanging up or transferring.

      • DID : This is the DID entry point for the Call on the Sangoma CX platform.

      • Area Code : This is the caller Area Code.

      • Caller : This is the caller phone number without the Area Code.

      • Actions : Clicking in the hyperlink Show CDR provides a detailed log of the IVR Call Flow execution in raw JSON format.

        • The information provided in the IVR Call Flow CDR is vital to find out the root cause if the Call Flow is not working as expected. Please note CDRs are deleted after 72 hours.

        • The CDR will display any password or token used by the system masked with nine asterisks . This also applies to any JSON returned values with the following labels or names: "apikey", "apitoken", "token", "password", "senha", "authorization". It is recommended that any sensitive data use these reserved labels or names. Note : To visualize the JSON in a parsed format, you will need to install a Chrome Extension in your browser, such as “JSON Formatter” available here.

    • Show CDR Action: Displays a Log of the IVR Call execution in raw JSON format detailing all the Call Flows invoked.

      Note : To visualize the JSON in a parsed format, you will need to install a Chrome Extension in your browser, such as “JSON Formatter” available here.

Efficiency Report

This report provides the total amount of transferred calls, disconnected by the system or by the originator by IVR project. An IVR Project acts as a container for a group of Call Flows that work collaboratively and become an IVR application.

The report is divided into two Sections: Efficiency and Transfer Break Down .


The Efficiency section has the following fields:

  • Project Name: This is the Project Name of the executed Call Flows.

  • % Project Efficiency : This is calculated by Total Successful Calls / Total Incoming Calls. Successful or unsuccessful calls are based on CALLER HANGUP CLASSIFICATION and HANGUP CLASSIFICATION component property setting.

  • Total Incoming Calls: Total number of calls processed by the Project’s Call Flows.

  • Transferred: Total number of calls terminated as a transfer by the Project’s Call Flows.

  • % Transferred: The percentage of calls transferred.

  • Success - System Hung up: Total number of calls hung up by the Call Flows of a project with HANGUP CLASSIFICATION = SUCCESS.

  • % Success - System Hung up: The percentage of calls considered as Success - System Hung up.

  • Failure - System Hung up: Total number of calls hung up by the Call Flows of a project with HANGUP CLASSIFICATION = FAILURE.

  • % Failure - System Hung up: The percentage of calls considered as Failure - System Hung up.

  • Success - Caller Hung up: Total number of calls hung up by the caller in a component of the call flow with the property CALLER HANGUP CLASSIFICATION = SUCCESS.

  • % Success - Caller Hung up: The percentage of calls considered as Success - Caller Hung up.

  • Failure - Caller Hung up: Total number of calls hung up by the caller in a component of the call flow with the property CALLER HANGUP CLASSIFICATION = FAILURE.

  • % Failure - Caller Hung up: The percentage of calls considered as Failure- Caller Hung up.

Transfer Break Down

The Transfer Break Down section has the following fields:

  • Project Name : This is the Project Name of the executed Call Flows.

  • Destination Number: Number dialed by the Call Flow terminating the calls by transfer.

  • Destination Name: Name associated with the Destination Number.

  • Transferred: Total number of calls transferred to the destination number.

  • % Transferred: For the total number of calls transferred by the call flows in a Project, this is the percentage of those transferred to the destination number.

Service Rework Report

This report highlights the volume of calls from callers calling more than once in 24 hours. This report might help detect callers having problems with the IVR, or identify customer requests not resolved in one call.


This table provides information per day, and contains the following fields:

  • Service Rework: The number of repeated calls, discounting the first call that each customer would need to make in an ideal scenario of 100% First Call Resolution.

  • % Service Rework: The percentage calculated taking the Service Rework divided by the Total Number of Calls that entered the IVR.

  • Total calls: The number of calls that entered the IVR Module.

  • Single Call Services : The number of customers who called the IVR only once, in a 24-hour period.

  • Multiple Calls Services : The number of customers who called the IVR more than once, within 24 hours.

The Retry and Quantity table provides further information, indicating how many times unique callers called.

  • Retry: indicates the number of calls done by the individual callers.

  • Quantity: indicates the number of unique callers.

Explanation using the data of 09/13/2021 provided as visual reference for this report:

  • Read from top to bottom, left to right:

    • 1 Unique caller did 1 call to the IVR.

    • 1 Unique caller did 6 calls to the IVR.

    • 2 Unique callers did 7 calls each to the IVR.

Graph % Service Rework

Provides a graphical representation of the Percentage Service Rework per day.

Graph Service Rework and Total Calls

Provides a graphical representation of the number Service Rework and Total Calls per day.

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