Getting Started with Sangoma SMS

Getting Started with Sangoma SMS


Sangoma SMS is our text messaging application that allows users to communicate via text messages directly from TeamHub on desktop and web as well as mobile.

Note: The Sangoma SMS app is currently available via the Business Voice platform. This app will be available via the CommUnity platform soon.


Any message transmitted via our platforms, regardless of use case or phone number type (e.g., long code, short code, or toll-free) will be considered by The Campaign Registry (TCR) to be an Application-to-Person (A2P) messaging.

Per the rules of The Campaign Registry (TCR), Application-to-Person (A2P) SMS and MMS message traffic may not be delivered to US-based end user mobile devices unless your company has been vetted and the message traffic is properly registered as a campaign. 

Additionally some carriers are blocking inbound messages, those originating from mobile devices and transmitted to Sangoma telephone numbers, that are unregistered business/application 10DLC numbers.

For more information on TCR compliance, reference our SMS Campaign Registry Compliance Guides.

For help with registering your SMS Numbers, reference our SMS Campaign Registry User Guides.


Any message transmitted via our platforms, regardless of use case or phone number type (e.g., long code, short code, or toll-free) will be considered by The Campaign Registry (TCR) to be an Application-to-Person (A2P) messaging.

Per the rules of The Campaign Registry (TCR), Application-to-Person (A2P) SMS and MMS message traffic may not be delivered to US-based end user mobile devices unless your company has been vetted and the message traffic is properly registered as a campaign. 

Additionally some carriers are blocking inbound messages, those originating from mobile devices and transmitted to Sangoma telephone numbers, that are unregistered business/application 10DLC numbers.

For more information on TCR compliance, reference our SMS Campaign Registry Compliance Guides.

For help with registering your SMS Numbers, reference our SMS Campaign Registry User Guides.

User License Assigned

  • Once your location or customer admin has assigned you a Sangoma SMS License via the Sangoma Business Voice portal:

    • During the license process the admin will assign you one of your location's existing phone numbers.

    • Once the license has been assigned you will receive a welcome email that includes the application installation instructions.

    • If you haven’t received a welcome email, contact your location or customer admins to request a Sangoma SMS license.

SMS Licensing - BV Portal.png


Desktop App

Note: The Sangoma SMS app is access via TeamHub. It will automatically appear in the left side menu once your license is enabled.

To download the TeamHub app:

  • Click Here to Open TeamHub in your browser.

  • Click Home in the left side menu.

  • At the bottom of the home page click the appropriate TeamHub Desktop App button based on you device type.


Mobile App

  • Visit the apps store on your mobile device.

  • Search for Sangoma SMS.

  • Open the Sangoma SMS app.

  • Following instructions to download and install the app.

Apple Store (iOS)

Google Play (Android)

Apple Store (iOS)

Google Play (Android)



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