Blue screen when accessing BIOS on some motherboards

Blue screen when accessing BIOS on some motherboards

If you are experiencing a blue screen when trying to access BIOS on a Digium 310, 360, or 380 server, or custom server using a specific motherboard, please read:

There is a date dependent bug that causes this behavior on some of the Supermicro X9 boards.
When you try to access the BIOS, you will get a blue screen with the letters AB in the lower right hand corner on the bios and not be able to proceed.
For more information, please see the link below (NOTE: this is not a Digium or Sangoma site):
Supermicro X9SCD won't enter BIOS (error code: AB)

To resolve this in Switchvox:

  • Go to /admin > Server > System Clock

  • Set System Clock to Manual and choose a date prior to 2021.

  • Save System Clock (NOTE: This will drop all active calls and restart software)

  • Then Reboot the server and you should be able to access BIOS on boot up.

  • Once done doing you maintenance do not forget to set the System Clock back to NTP and save (NOTE: This will drop all active calls and restart software)

Additional KB: https://support.digium.com/community/s/article/How-To-Get-Into-BIOS-Setup-on-Switchvox-Appliances

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