Sangoma Talk Module Release Notes

The following content only applies to FreePBX and PBXact platforms

Sangoma Talk Module Release Notes



  • Added MMS support

  • Added E911 functionality

  • Added Backup & Restore functionality for V15

  • Integrated Contact Manager

  • Added a new option for DNS SRV record.

  • Fixed port number adding issue, now if port number is already defined in Registration address then default port will not add.

  • Improved the transport selection logic.

  • Improved the license Limit and expiration logic

  • Added Push server IPs to sysadmin intrusion detection

  • Added Logs for “Send Invite” email, It would be helpful for support to track down if an email is sent or not.

  • Added automate functionality for remove the garbage device information data



Sangoma Talk Module versions 14.0.18 and 15.0.18 are available on Stable.


  • Improved call handling when an extension is using TLS/SRTP and multiple phones.

    • Leading spaces and tabs are now removed from the Registration Address field on the Sangomaconnect settings tab.

    • Group options are removed from the Userman module for the Sangomaconnect module.

    • Apply config option is now provided if a user makes changes in the Sangomaconnect page (fixed in FreePBX 14, FreePBX 15 did not have this issue). 



Sangoma Talk Module versions 14.0.17 and 15.0.17 are available on Stable.


  • The Sangomaconnect tab now loads quicker (more efficiently).

    • SMS DIDs are now properly assigned to a user/extension when the PBX has more than one DID available.

    • Fixed a bug that was causing existing installations to not work properly if UDP transport was not enabled.



Sangoma Talk Module versions 14.0.14 and 15.0.14 are available on Stable.


  • A new Settings tab is available:

    • Registration Address: the IP address or FQDN for Sangoma Talk registration. If using TLS signaling, this must be the FQDN associated with the PJSIP TLS/SSL certificate. (This setting has been moved from the PBX's Advanced Settings to this new tab.)

    • Default Transport: the transports available here are the available pjsip transport, and it will determine the default transport used for Sangoma Talk client signaling (For extensions that do not have transport set to "Auto", this setting is ignored).

  • A new command for fwconsole creates or deletes rules on the PBX's firewall that are necessary to support Sangoma Talk. (fwconsole sc --help for more info).

  • A login link can be obtained for a user who has not yet used the link and logged into the app to configure it (use the icon of an eye).

  • In the PBX's Advanced Settings, clicking the Reset to Default button now correctly sets the Sangoma Talk field values to their defaults (previously this cleared the fields).

  • In the Sangoma Talk Mobile app, SMS messages now display emoji correctly.



Sangoma Talk Module versions 14.0.12 and 15.0.12 available on Stable.




Sangoma Talk Module versions 14.0.10 and 15.0.10 available on Stable.


  • An extension set to SIP Transport Auto now uses TCP for Sangoma Talk Mobile.

  • An extension can no longer be enabled for Sangoma Talk if the extension has an email address that matches the email address of another extension.

  • A change to the PBX's IP address is now automatically applied for Sangoma Talk Mobile users. 

  • The Sangoma Talk Module page now displays a CloudConnect Agent Status. This, along with SangomaConnect status, should indicate that these services are Running. (If these services are not Running, see Troubleshooting user to login from the mobile app issues.)

  • Advanced Mobile App Network Settings are now available.



Sangoma Talk Module versions 14.0.8 and 15.0.8 available on Stable.




Sangoma Talk Module versions 14.0.7 and 15.0.7 available on Stable.




Sangoma Talk Module versions 14.0.5 and 15.0.5 available on Stable.


  • Transport options now include UDP and TCP. The default is Auto which selects TCP.  

  • An SSL certificate is no longer auto-generated when the Connect Module is installed. A certificate that was created by previous installs can be safely deleted, provided they have not been configured for anything else. 

  • Sangoma Talk services are no longer automatically started when the Connect Module is installed. If you are setting up the Connect Module for the first time, you must browse to Sangoma Talk and click the green Start Services button. (CLI: fwconsole start sangomaconnect)



The Sangoma Talk Module (v14.0.1 and 15.0.1) is moving to the Stable repository, for live production environments. 

2020-09-21 sangomaConnect Module

For FreePBX/PBXact 15:

> sudo -u asterisk fwconsole ma downloadinstall http://ftp.sangoma.com/SangomaConnect/15/4c707973-fa13-482e-9582-3a791d283de9.tgz.gpg

For FreePBX/PBXact 14:

> sudo -u asterisk fwconsole ma downloadinstall http://ftp.sangoma.com/SangomaConnect/14/6dc11cb6-4abe-4955-8821-e4cfa205e793.tgz.gpg

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