Sangoma Talk FAQ

The following content only applies to FreePBX and PBXact platforms

Sangoma Talk FAQ


We'd love to hear about your experiences with Sangoma Connect! Please see Sangoma Soft Client Feedback.

For Administrators of FreePBX and PBXact Who Already Use Zulu

Why are there two mobile softphones for FreePBX/PBXact? 

Sangoma Talk is the next generation of mobile softphone. Zulu UC is still available, and can be used on the same PBX along with Sangoma Talk. Our vision for Sangoma Talk is to incorporate and expand the features of Zulu Mobile, so that you can focus on the important thing - your customer.

Do I have to stop using Zulu, if I start using Sangoma Talk?

No. You can have both modules installed (the Zulu UC module and the Sangoma Connect module), and users on both apps. 

Can one user use Zulu Desktop, and Sangoma Talk on their mobile phone?


Can one user have Zulu UC and Sangoma Talk on their mobile phone?

No. You and the user will need to choose which app is appropriate for them.

Can one user have Sangoma Talk on several of their phones?

No. One Sangoma Talk app can be configured to one user at a time. It's important that each user has a unique, valid email address so that Sangoma Talk can be configured correctly. 

Does Sangoma Talk Mobile use WebRTC like Zulu Mobile does?

No, Sangoma Talk Mobile does not use WebRTC.

For All Administrators of FreePBX and PBXact

How does Licensing work?

At this time, one user license is provided with each Softphones (Zulu UC and Talk Mobile apps) license. For FreePBX administrators who are not already using Zulu UC, you need to purchase Softphones (Zulu UC) licenses in order to use the Sangoma Talk and Zulu UC apps. There is also a Free, 2-user 1-year License if you'd like to try the apps. You do not need to install the Zulu server module if you are only using Sangoma Talk Mobile.

What do I need to install so we can use the mobile app?

To install and use Sangoma Talk, please follow the instructions in Installing Sangoma Talk for Mobile.  

How do I find out about new versions of the Connect Module and what is in each version?

The article Sangoma Talk Module Release Notes contains a list of the module versions and a description of what is new and different in that version.  

If a user is on our Wi-Fi network and local to the PBX, does the app contact the PBX at its local network address?

No, the app has a single host that is always accessed externally. Please see Technical Details for the necessary firewall settings.

Is Sangoma Talk restricted for use in particular locales?

No, there is no restriction for location.

Where can I find the End User License Agreement (EULA), Privacy Policy, and related information?

Please see Legal Documents and Policies for the Sangoma Softphone EULA, the Sangoma Privacy Policy including a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) section, and other documents and policies. Also, the Talk Mobile app's Account Setup contains a link to this area.

What do the 'Push Servers' do and why are they necessary?

The article Technical Details and Limitations has a section on Firewall Settings for Sangoma Push Notification Server Registrations, with a discussion of how the push servers function. In summary, the function of the push servers is to notify the Talk Mobile app of an incoming call when the app is in the background or closed.

The IP Addresses listed in the Firewall Settings - are all of those push servers?

Yes. The list of IP addresses are in the article Technical Details and Limitations, and they are all  push servers as discussed there.

What do you mean by 'Sangoma Cloud' and 'Cloud Connect Agent' and what do those do?

The article Technical Details and Limitations has a section on the Sangoma Cloud Service and the Cloud Connect Agent. In summary, that service facilitates non-SIP communications between the app and the PBX, for provisioning, authentication, and contacts data.

How do the PBX, Sangoma Cloud, and the Push Servers work together for the Sangoma Talk Mobile app?

The article Technical Details and Limitations includes a diagram that shows these interactions, and these sections include descriptions of those services: Sangoma Cloud Service, and Firewall Settings for Sangoma Push Notification Server Registrations.

Can the Talk Mobile app be provisioned for secure calls with TLS/SRTP? 

Please see Secure Calling for Sangoma Talk Mobile.

For Zulu Users

Can I run Sangoma Talk on my mobile phone just to try it, while I still have Zulu UC installed?

No. You will need to choose one of apps to be your business phone on your mobile device.

What's the difference between Zulu UC and Sangoma Talk? 

In this initial release of Sangoma Talk mobile apps, the feature set is different from Zulu UC for mobile. Find out more about the feature set, and how easy it is to use the app. There are features in Zulu UC for mobile that are not available in Sangoma Talk for mobile, such as multiple accounts. We'd appreciate your feedback on what you'd like to see in the Talk Mobile app. 

Does Sangoma Talk include chat?

No, not at the time of this writing. You can use Sangoma Talk Mobile to send and receive SMS messages to external phone numbers (see SMS for Sangoma Talk Mobile), but you cannot chat with your coworkers the way that can in the Zulu Desktop app. We'd appreciate your feedback on what you'd like to see in the Talk Mobile app. 

For All Talk Mobile App Users

What if the app is closed, or in the background, will I get my calls?

Yes. The app will 'wake up' and the call will ring on your phone.

Does the app support secure calling with TLS/SRTP?

Please see Secure Calling for Sangoma Talk Mobile. You will need your PBX administrator to make this feature available to you.

How much data do I use when making calls?

Generally, 1,000 minutes of talk-time uses a gigabyte (GB) of data.

How do I report problems or request features for the app?

Please see Sangoma Soft Client Feedback.

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