Installing Sangoma Talk for Mobile

The following content only applies to FreePBX and PBXact platforms

Installing Sangoma Talk for Mobile


To setup Sangoma Talk for mobile with FreePBX or PBXact, you will need to

  1. Install the Sangoma Talk module in FreePBX or PBXact (see the requirements below).

  2. Have valid Softphones licenses in portal.sangoma.com.

  3. Set up a user to be able to log into the app, a quick process that includes sending an email message inviting them to use Sangoma Talk.

  4. Log into the app using the invitation email message.

Follow the instructions below to test Sangoma Talk. Please see Sangoma Soft Client Feedback for instructions on providing feedback, whether it's general information about your experience or a report of a problem you're having.

Sangoma Talk Module Installation

1. Install the Sangoma Talk Module in FreePBX. Use the GUI Admin→Modules or Updates→Modues to install the module.  For PBXact, use the GUI Updates→Modules to install the module. After install, click the 'Apply Config' button and wait for it to complete. Then, browse to Admin → Sangoma Talk and click the green button to enable the Sangoma Talk services. You can also install from the command line with:

sudo -u asterisk fwconsole ma downloadinstall sangomaconnect fwconsole reload fwconsole start sangomaconnect



  • FreePBX/PBXact versions 14 and later (not supported on FreePBX/PBXact 13 or earlier)

  • Extensions 

    • Must use PJSIP. Extensions using chan_sip will have to convert to PJSIP to use Sangoma Talk.

    • Must be permitted to register to the PBX's external hostname. The Sangoma Talk app always registers to the external hostname.

    • Must each have a unique email address. 

      • Sangoma public push notification servers must be able to register to FreePBX/PBXact. If the PBX is only accessible via VPN or in a private network, Sangoma public push notification server IP addresses must be port forwarded or whitelisted. For details about Firewall Settings, see Technical Details. (Note: push servers are auto-configured by the mobile app; administrators only need to provide network access to the PBX.)

2. Purchase Softphones licenses.

  • Sangoma Talk requires the Softphones license. Make sure the PBX has valid Softphones licenses from portal.sangoma.com.

  • Sangoma Talk will allow the same number of users as the Softphones license allows.  Each user or extension will have access to our mobile client and our desktop client.  If you have purchased a 20 user license pack of softphones, you can have 20 users on the PBX each accessing Sangoma Talk Mobile and Sangoma Phone Desktop.  

User Setup

You must enable each user of Sangoma Talk. The app supports a single registration to a single PBX. If multiple accounts have the same email address, the app will provision with the latest registration details. (In other words, a person can't use the app on their iOS and Android devices.)

Each user will need a unique email address, and Sangoma Talk enabled. Then, you can send the Sangoma Talk Invite email message.

  1. Open User Manager: Admin => User Management.

  2. Edit the user preference:

  3. Ensure that there is a valid, unique email address in the 'User Details' tab. Sangoma Talk uses this email address for login, so it must be unique to the user.


  4. Click on the SangomaTalk Tab

  5. Click Yes to enable a the Sangoma Talk app for a user. If the extension is not PJSIP, it will be converted to PJSIP.

  6. Click Invite to send the invitation email to the user. 

The invitation is effective for 24 hours, meaning the Login Link works during that time. But if it expires, it's easy for the user to request a new email message. In the Talk app, just enter their email address and they will receive a new email invitation.

Installing the Sangoma Talk Mobile App

Once installation and user-setup are complete, each user can Install the Sangoma Talk app on a mobile phone, and log into the app.

On the mobile phone, open the invitation email. The email message includes

  1. Links to download the iOS or Android app. Please update to the latest versions as those are made available.

  2. A link to log into the app.


  1. Install the appropriate app. 

  2. In the invitation email message, tap Login link. The app opens, and is logged into the extension that has this email address attached. See Using the Sangoma Talk Mobile App for details about using the app itself.

Replacement Email Invitation

If the user has an email message with an expired Login Link, or the user needs to move the Talk App to another mobile phone, a replacement email message with a new Login Link can be obtained at any time. 

  1. Open the Sangoma Talk app.

  2. Enter your email address.

    1. If your email address is stored on more than one PBX you will be presented with a dropdown list

  3. Tap Send Button / Request Login Link




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