

Reporting tools for extension users include the following:

  • Call Logs

  • Call Reports

Call Logs

A Call Log is a simple list of the calls that have been made to or by your extension. You can select a date range by setting the From and To dates. Click View Log to see the log within the browser window, or click Output to .xls file to download an xls file.

The Log includes the call date, who the call was from and to, the type of call (incoming or outgoing), the call time, and the talk time.

To see all of the details that Switchvox has for a call, click a call's Details icon.

Call Reports

This lets you generate a report about call activity. Call reports are generated for the date-range and criteria that you specify, and include the fields that you specify.

Reports can be shown in a Chart, viewed as a list on the browser page, or downloaded as .xls.

Depending on the information that you are interested in, a chart can be a great way to see your data. But, charts are only available for one field at a time.

Talk Time is the time that this extension actively spent with the call.

Call Time is the time for the entire call. For example, this call may have waited in a queue for 5 minutes before ringing this extension and talking with the extension-owner.



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