Intercom Paging (5.X)

Intercom /Paging Settings

An Intercom / Paging extension can make an announcement on a group of speaker phones. Phones in the group do not ring, they answer immediately in speaker-phone mode (the caller can begin talking and be heard over the phone’s speaker).

NOTE: You must have compatible and correctly configured handsets to use this option.

Intercom Extension

Enter a unique number for this extension. For information about the extension-number length, see “Settings."

  • Alert-Info header. The value that is sent to the phone in the alert info header. This setting is required for Polycom phones to auto-answer intercom calls. Use a value of Intercom or SVAutoPickup. If you use Intercom, a ringtone will play before the phone auto-answers the call. With both values, the phone auto-answers and then you hear a tone announcing the call.

  • Timeout. Select the length of time that the system attempts to connect an intercom call. After this duration, intercom calls that have not been answered will be hung up.

  • Intercom / Paging. Specify whether this extension makes intercom calls (2-way conversations) or paging calls (one-way announcements).

Choose Sound to Play

  • Play beep/sound first. Whether or not a beep/sound plays to indicate that the call is beginning. If you choose Yes, then you can also choose a sound to play.

  • Folder. The Folder (within Sound Manager) that contains the sound that you want to play.

  • Sound to Play. The sound that you want to play before you start talking. The Description gives you the script of the sound.

Intercom Users and Receivers

Use this section to set up which extensions can use this Intercom/Paging extension, and which extensions are called when this Intercom/Paging extension is dialed.

  • Authorized Extensions. Extensions or Extension Groups that can dial this extension.

  • Recipients. Extensions or Extension Groups that are intercom'd or paged when this extension is dialed.

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