Vega Gateways - Freepbx
1. Log into the FreePBX webGUI
2.Click on Trunks, located under Connectivity
3. Click on 'Add SIP (chan_sip) Trunk', to add a new trunk
4. Give your new Trunk a name. In our example, we called it 'Vega-test'
5.Configure 'Sip setting/Outgoing Settings' details
a. Configure the Trunk Name
-> This should be a same as you username on Vega
In our example in the picture below we used 'vega'
b. Configure the PEER Details
Insert information for:
-> host: (dynamic)
-> type friend
-> username: (The Registration and Authentication ID used when configuring the Vega Gateway)
-> secret: (The Authentication password used when configuring the Vega Gateway)
-> <insert the rest of typical details, as seen in picture below>
Last step is to submit/ Apply Configuration.
To verify in freepbx , navigate to Reports ->Asterisk Info->peers