Vega Gateways - Call Forwarding

Vega Gateways - Call Forwarding

Calls can be forwarded in any of these 3 conditions:

  1. Unconditional - Always forward the call, never rings the FXS port

  2. Busy - Only call forward when the FXS port is in use

  3. No Answer - Only call forward when the FXS port does not answer 

Below is an example of how to call forward port 3 to "12345678" when there is no answer or line is busy. This is commonly used for voice mail in many cases. 

set pots.port.3.call_fwd_enable=on
fxs cf dest 3 12345678
fxs cfna 3 on
fxs cfb 3 on

This can also be done from the phone its self using DTMF codes. For more information on call forwarding see page 220 of the admin guide ftp.sangoma.com/vega/docs/Vega_Admin_Guide_R88_v1.1.pdf

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