Trunk between Vega and freepbx without registration

How to configure Trunk in freepbx:

Step 1: Login into freepbx webgui

Step 2 : Click on Trunks, located under Connectivity

 Step 3: Click on 'Add SIP (chan_sip) Trunk', to add a new trunk


3- Give a name to this new trunk , we called it Trunk-vega

Step 4: Click on sip setting on trunk and set outgoing trunk name and peer details:

Step 5: Click on sip setting on trunk and set incoming trunk name and user details:

Step 6: Click submit/Apply config 



 How to check Trunk is up:

Navigate to Report->Asterisk Info -> Peers 

you can see status for  vega-in and vega-out are OK 


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