Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - An Overview of SS7 Configuration

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - An Overview of SS7 Configuration


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IMG 1010 - Configuring SS7 Signaling - 10.5.0

IMG 1010 - Configuring SS7 CIC Routing


The GCEMS will support up to (16) SS7 signaling stack objects. Each stack in the same Logical Group must have a different OPC (Originating Point Code)  

  • GCEMS supports configuring multiple Logical IMG Group objects in ClientView.

  • Each Logical IMG Group can support up to four SS7 signaling stack objects.

  • SS7 Signaling Stacks are created under the Physical IMG object and is designated as the SS7 signaling IMG.

  • Within one Logical IMG Group only one Physical IMG, the primary SS7 signaling IMG, supports configuring SS7 stacks under it. The rest of the Physical IMG's are to be used for controlling remote CIC's and/or designated as a secondary SS7 signaling IMG.

  • When configuring redundant SS7 signaling the SS7 Signaling object created under the Physical IMG must be configured as the Primary from the Redundancy Configuration drop down menu. The redundant or standby IMG must be selected in the Peer logical Node ID drop down menu from the same object. The node ID's are displayed in the Peer Logical Node ID field. See screen capture below

  •  If SS7 redundancy is configured the maximum number of SS7 stacks is still 16.

  • Links in a redundant link set can be configured to exist on a Standalone Physical IMG or on a Redundant Pair of Physical IMG's. In either case, all Links are configured underneath one Physical IMG (The Primary SS7 signaling IMG) even though some of the links physically reside on the secondary SS7 signaling IMG. See screen capture below. In the screen capture the links are being configured on the primary IMG but will reside physically on the secondary.

  • The CIC's configured associate with multiple Physical IMG's and  are all controlled by the signaling links located on the SS7 signalling IMG(s) and are configured under the primary SS7 signaling IMG. In screen capture below there is a drop down menu in the OPC-DPC field. This allows user to select which IMG will control the CIC's being configured.

  •  Any combination of stacks can be created under the Logical IMG. Below are a few examples. Note that on each example below there are only four SS7 signaling stacks per logical IMG object but many different configurations can be created. A few examples are shown below.

Logical IMG1

Physical IMG Name Hyannis0 - ID:0

SS7 Stack 0

SS7 Stack 1

SS7 Stack 2

SS7 Stack 3

Physical IMG Name Hyannis1 - ID:1

Physical IMG Name Hyannis2 - ID:2

Physical IMG Name Hyannis3 - ID:3

Physical IMG Name Hyannis4 - ID:4


Logical IMG2

Physical IMG Name Hyannis5 - ID:5

SS7 Stack 0

SS7 Stack 1

SS7 Stack 2

SS7 Stack 3

Physical IMG Name Hyannis6 - ID:6

Physical IMG Name Hyannis7 - ID:7

Physical IMG Name Hyannis8 - ID:8

Physical IMG Name Hyannis9 - ID:9


Logical IMG3

Physical IMG Name Hyannis8 - ID:10

SS7 Stack 0

SS7 Stack 1

SS7 Stack 2

SS7 Stack 3

Physical IMG Name Hyannis1 - ID:11

Physical IMG Name Hyannis1 - ID:12

Physical IMG Name Hyannis1 - ID:13

Physical IMG Name Hyannis1 - ID:14


Logical IMG4

Physical IMG Name Hyannis12 - ID:15

SS7 Stack 0

SS7 Stack 1

SS7 Stack 2

SS7 Stack 3

Physical IMG Name Hyannis1 - ID:16

Physical IMG Name Hyannis1 - ID:17

Physical IMG Name Hyannis1 - ID:18

Physical IMG Name Hyannis1 - ID:19



Logical IMG0

Physical IMG Name Hyannis0 - ID:0

SS7 Stack 0


Logical IMG1

Physical IMG Name Hyannis1 - ID:1

SS7 Stack 1


Logical IMG2

Physical IMG Name Hyannis2 - ID:2

SS7 Stack 2


Logical IMG3

Physical IMG Name Hyannis3 - ID:3

SS7 Stack 3


Logical IMG4

Physical IMG Name Hyannis3 - ID:4

SS7 Stack 4


Logical IMG5

Physical IMG Name Hyannis3 - ID:5

SS7 Stack 5


Logical IMG6

Physical IMG Name Hyannis3 - ID:6

SS7 Stack 6


Logical IMG7

Physical IMG Name Hyannis3 - ID:7

SS7 Stack 7









Logical IMG15

Physical IMG Name Hyannis3 - ID:15

SS7 Stack 15

  • If a physical IMG object is created outside of a Logical IMG Group object then an SS7 signaling object cannot be created. ClientView does not support creating an SS7 stack under a Physical IMG object that is not associated with a Logical IMG Group object.

Guidelines (10.3.3)

The GCEMS will support up to (4) SS7 signaling stack objects. Each stack in the same Logical Group must have a different OPC (Originating Point Code)  

  • GCEMS supports configuring multiple Logical IMG Group objects in ClientView.  

  • Each Logical IMG Group supports creating an SS7 signaling stack object.

  • SS7 signaling Stacks are created under the Physical IMG object and is designated as the SS7 signaling IMG.

  • Within one Logical IMG Group only one Physical IMG, the primary SS7 signaling IMG, supports configuring SS7 stacks under it. The rest of the Physical IMG's are to be used for controlling remote CIC's and/or designated as a secondary SS7 signaling IMG.

  • When configuring redundant SS7 signaling the SS7 Signaling object created under the Physical IMG must be configured as the Primary from the Redundancy Configuration drop down menu. The redundant or standby IMG must be selected in the Peer logical Node ID drop down menu from the same object. The node ID's are displayed in the Peer Logical Node ID field. See screen capture below

  •  IF SS7 redundancy is configured the maximum number of SS7 stacks is still 4.

  • Links in a redundant link set can be configured to exist on a Standalone Physical IMG or on a Redundant Pair of Physical IMG's. In either case, all Links are configured underneath one Physical IMG (The Primary SS7 signaling IMG) even though some of the links physically reside on the secondary SS7 signaling IMG. See screen capture below. In the screen capture the links are being configured on the primary IMG but will reside physically on the secondary.

  • The CIC's configured associate with multiple Physical IMG's and  are all controlled by the signaling links located on the SS7 signalling IMG(s) and are configured under the primary SS7 signaling IMG. In screen capture below there is a drop down menu in the OPC-DPC field. This allows user to select which IMG will control the CIC's being configured.

  •  Any combination of stacks can be created under the Logical IMG. Below are a few examples. Note that on each example below there are only four SS7 signaling stacks per logical IMG object but many different configurations can be created. A few examples are shown below 


Logical IMG0

Physical IMG Name Hyannis0 ID:0

SS7 Stack 0


Logical IMG1

Physical IMG Name Hyannis0 ID:1

SS7 Stack 1


Logical IMG2

Physical IMG Name Hyannis0 ID:2

SS7 Stack 2


Logical IMG3

Physical IMG Name Hyannis0 ID:3

SS7 Stack 3



Logical IMG0

Physical IMG Name Hyannis1 - ID:0

SS7 Stack 0

SS7 Stack 1

SS7 Stack 2

SS7 Stack 3

  •  An SS7 stack created under one Logical Group object can control all remote CIC's as long as the remote CIC's are all in the same Logical Group.

ClientView Panes used for SS7 configuration

The following diagram shows the ClientView Panes used for SS7 Configuration. Below is a diagram of a basic SS7 configuration. The purpose of the diagram is to show a couple things

  • Once OPC's and DPC's are configured what other objects in ClientView use them

  • CIC's configured in channel groups can use spans from multiple Physical IMG's as long as they are within a Logical IMG Group



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