XactView V3-Users Widget

The Users widget allows you to view the state of other users in the system along with Extension State, Call State and Presence. You can also filter and sort the list of users to your liking.

User Boxes

The Users widget will have a user box for each user in the system (excluding your own). This box provides a display of the user's accounts, calls and presence state while providing functionality to interact with and manage the user's accounts, calls and presence.

  • User Login Status- The bar on the left hand side of the user box will display the current XactView login status of the user. By default logged out users will be grey and logged in users will be green.

  • Call and Extension Status- The user boxes will change color to show the user's current call or extension registration status.

  • User Registration Status- A general registration status will show on the user box for all of the user's extensions.

    • The user box itself will show the registered status color if the user has at least one extension assigned to them that is registered.

    • The unregistered status will show on the user box only if all the user's extensions are unregistered.

  • Extension Registration Status- You can view individual extension registration status for each of a user's assigned extensions by selecting the user's name in the user box in order to open the "Account Selection" list.

User Actions

There are several buttons that will appear on a user box that will allow other users in the system to perform actions on that user.

  • Email- If the user has a configured email address you can select the email button to initiate a mail-to for that address. This will utilize the default email client on your OS.

  • Chat- This button allows a user to start a chat session with this user.

  • Agent- Allows you to manage this account's agent login along with pause state and penalty.

  • DND- Allows you to toggle this account's DND status.

  • Voicemail- Allows you to originate and transfer calls directly to this account's voicemail box.

    • If clicked, a call will be originated to the account's voicemail box using your selected default account.

    • If an account is dropped on the button a call will be originated from the dropped account to the account's voicemail box.

    • If a call is dropped on the button the call will be transferred directly to the account's voicemail box.

    • Actions using the voicemail button will not ring the extension.

Sorting and Filtering

The Users widget allows for sorting and filtering of the listed users. The "Sort" and "Filter" bar can be opened and closed via the  icon on the top right in the Users widget header.


  • Sorting- You can sort the user list by several different user properties. The "arrow" to the left of the sort drop-down can be used to change the sort direction from descending to ascending.

    • None- No sorting.

    • Availability Status- Sorts by the current status set on the user.

    • Call Status- Sorts by the user's account call status.

    • Caller ID (Name)- Sorts by the user's account call caller ID name.

    • Caller ID (Number)- Sorts by the user's account call caller ID number.

    • Login- Sorts by the user's XactView login status.

    • Name- Sorts by the user's display name.

    • Talk Time- Sorts by the user's account call time.


  • Filtering- You can utilize the "Search" field in the "Sort" and "Filter" bar to search for specific users and accounts. The text entered in the "Search" field will match on the following:

    • User Display Name

    • Account Display Name

    • Account Number


You can also select an extension group from the drop-down on the right corner of the "Sort" and "Filter" bar. This will only show users and accounts for extensions that are in the selected extension group.


The user box will display all active calls for the user's accounts and allow you to manage those calls.

  • Selecting the Active Call- The user box will only show one call at a time and allow you to manage that call. There may be a case where a user is on multiple calls across one or more accounts. If the user has more than one active call "up" and "down" arrows will appear to the right of the caller ID section in the user box, which will allow you to select the current active call. The currently selected call will specify which call the user box call actions and drags will be performed on.

  • Dragging Calls- Users can drag calls from the user boxes to the following locations in order to transfer that call to the destination:

    • Users (can utilize the default account, See "The "User" Account" section above and My Stream widget for more information)

    • User Extensions

    • User Alternative Phone Numbers

    • User Voicemail Boxes (will not ring destination extension)

    • Conference Rooms

    • Parking Lots

    • Queues

  • Call Actions- Several buttons will appear on the user box that will allow you to perform actions on the currently selected call. If there are no calls for the user, no call action buttons will be visible on the user box.

    • Record- Toggle on demand recording of this call on and off.

    • Barge- Allows users to barge in on this call. See My Stream widget for more information on barge types.


Users can view and manage other users presence from a user box.


Settings for the Users widget can be accessed by clicking the small "gear" icon in the top right hand corner of the widget.


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