Open Source - Asterisk 22 on Debian 12 with official Sangoma FreePBX package repository

Open Source - Asterisk 22 on Debian 12 with official Sangoma FreePBX package repository

As one side benefit of the FreePBX 17 Distribution move to Debian 12 GNU/Linux, Sangoma is pleased to offer our package repository for public use in your next Asterisk installation with or without FreePBX!

Run these commands as root (or use sudo) in your Debian bookworm installation.

Step 1: Add the asterisk group and user

addgroup asterisk adduser --system --ingroup asterisk asterisk

Step 2: Setup the Sangoma FreePBX repository

apt-get update apt-get -y install gnupg software-properties-common wget http://deb.freepbx.org/gpg/aptly-pubkey.asc gpg --dearmor --yes -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/freepbx.gpg aptly-pubkey.asc add-apt-repository -y -S "deb [ arch=amd64 ] http://deb.freepbx.org/freepbx17-prod bookworm main"

Step 3: Install Asterisk with minimal dependencies

apt-get -y install asterisk22 asterisk22-core asterisk22-configs libxslt1.1 liburiparser1


You should now be able to start and run asterisk:

sudo -u asterisk /usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvgc

…or enable & start via systemd wrapper:

systemctl enable asterisk systemctl start asterisk

Securely configure your asterisk instance by manually editing configuration files in /etc/asterisk/ directory – with special attention to the asterisk.conf file -- before automatically enabling the asterisk process to start at boot.

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