Sangoma Send - Activities Guide
There are currently 3 activity list:
Campaign History
Scheduled Campaigns
Draft Campaigns.
Each list can be exported to spreadsheet compatible CSV file, by clicking on the
export ( ) icon.
Table of Contents
Campaign History
Select Campaign History from the left side menu to see a list of previously sent campaigns. This list contains the following info:
NAME - This is the name of the campaign that was sent out.
TIME SENT - This is the date and time that the campaign was sent out.
SENT TO - Click the View Audience link to see a list of who was sent the campaign.
CATEGORY - This is the category that was assigned during the campaign configuration.
STATUS - Click the link in status column to se the status results for each recipient the campaign was sent to.
RESPONSES - Click the View link to see the response from each recipient the campaign was sent to.
ACTIONS - Click the Copy ( 🗇 ) icon in the Action column to create a copy of the campaign and to start edit the new Campaign.
Scheduled Campaigns
Select Scheduled Campaign from the left side menu to see a list of scheduled campaigns. This list contains the following info:
NAME - This is the name of the campaign.
SCHEDULED NEXT - This is the date and time that the campaign is scheduled to be sent out.
CATEGORY - This is the category that was assigned during the campaign configuration.
FREQUENCY - This displays the frequency that the campaign will be sent out.
ACTIONS - Click the Action ( ⋮ ) icon to select one of the available actions that can be taken against the campaign.
The available action are:Send Now
Draft Campaigns
Select Drafts from the left side menu to see a list of draft campaigns. This list contains the following info:
NAME - This is the name of the campaign that was sent out.
LAST MODIFIED - This is the date and time that the campaign was last modified.
CATEGORY - This is the category that was assigned during the campaign configuration.
ACTIONS - Click the Action ( : ) icon and select one of the available actions that can be taken against the campaign.
The available action are:Send Now
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