Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Downgrading the System Software

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Downgrading the System Software


Summary of Topic:

  • Downgrade GCEMS software

  • Downgrade IMG switch software

Time Requirements:

  • Time required to execute upgrade -  Approximately 1 hour

  • Call processing downtime -  Approximately 10 minutes


  • Before starting the downgrade process, note the status of each of the entities listed below.

    • Spans

    • Channels

    • ISDN D-Channels

    • SS7 Links

    • Network Interfaces

    • ClientView users that are logged in. Notify them of the pending upgrade and have them log off if necessary.

  • Acquire the desired IMG system software from the Sangoma Support BBS website located at http://excelbbs.sangoma.com/default.htm.

  • Select ‘Download Information’. You will require a logon username and password to access the downloads site. (A support contract is needed to access this site.) Within this site will be two software binary files. Download the latest version of these files. If access to the downloads site is needed contact the Sangoma Technical Support Team through one of the sources listed on the following webpage: https://www.sangoma.com/support/contact/

  • Obtain backup files created just prior to the previous upgrade.


Backup Software

  • Backup the current installation by simply renaming the /opt/dialogic directory. If there is insufficient disk space available then only the common folder located in above directory needs to be archived.
    Example:  mv /opt/dialogic /opt/dialogic_rename  

IMPORTANT! Do not attempt to roll-back to an earlier build unless the appropriate configuration files have been backed-up/saved. Any configuration files that have been modified and saved by a newer version of software will get nack’ed when used with a previous version of software.


Restore the previous version

  • During the previous upgrade procedure the /opt/dialogic folder was renamed to /opt/dialogic_YYYY-MM-DD_HH.MM. Follow example below and rename this folder to remove the timestamp that was added during the previous upgrade procedure. Example: mv /opt/dialogic_2008-08-26_11.15/ /opt/dialogic  

Installing IMG System Software (Create a common symbolic link)

  • To be able to load system software onto the IMG, the FTP server (usually residing on the host computer) needs either a pathname to the .bin file being downloaded -or- a common link (img1010_id0101.bin) in the ftp server that points to the .bin file to be downloaded.

Creating a common/symbolic link will reduce upgrade time by eliminating the need to edit the /etc/dhcpd.conf file and restart the host FTP services. To create the symbolic link one of the two methods below can be used


Method 1: Use lnimg (link img) script

  • A time saving script has been written that will also create the symbolic link described above.  Follow the procedure below to create the symbolic link using this tool.

Copy the file ‘lnimg’ which is located in /opt/dialogic/common/osconfig and paste it into the /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds directory.

If GCEMS server was purchased from Sangoma, the lnimg script will already be in the ftpBuilds directory.

  • From the ftpBuilds run the lnimg script

  • Follow the instructions and enter the appropriate ‘IMG 1010 Build Number’ from the ‘Available IMG 1010 Build Files'. Use the format described in the lnimg script. (1051=10.5.1, 1052=10.5.2, 1053=10.5.3).

  • The following response will be generated: Link Created…

    img1010_ver1051123_id0101.bin -> img1010_id0101.bin
  • Executing the ls –la command as shown above, verifies that the link was created.


Method 2: (Create link manually)

  • In the GCEMS server, go to /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds. Within this folder is a file titled img1010_ver1051xxx_id0101.bin. (1051=10.5.1, 1052=10.5.2, 1053=10.5.3 and xxx=build number of the software). Execute the following commands within this folder.

    ln -sf img1010_ver1051123_id0101.bin img1010_id0101.bin

    The command above will create a link connecting software version 10.5.1 build 123 to the filename img1010_id0101.bin 

  • To confirm the link has been created, enter the command

  • The Response will be:

    This verifies that the link created points to the correct .bin file.  


Re-Start IMG System Software

Select the load button to open and commit the configuration file (.csa)

When loading the configuration file, use the original configuration file that was being used before the software upgrade. The original configuration file is used because the configuration file created after the software upgrade will get nack’ed if using an older version of software. At this point all IMG(s) will be reset

  • Verify that all nodes return to online state.

  • Verify all spans etc that were in service prior to upgrade return to in-service state.



File Clean-Up

 Backup and remove all unused log, license and configuration files from the /opt/cantata and /opt/dialogic folders.

  • Once the roll-back has been deemed successful remove any folders and/or files that were renamed and stored during the software Roll-Back process.

WARNING!  Using the rm command will permanently delete the files.


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