Dialogic Voice Cards - Activating a License Diva SoftIP SIP 2.x
After you have installed Diva SoftIP SIP 2.x you will need to register your PPC and DUID to obtain a license file. Add the license to your Diva SoftIP installation in order to use the product.
Registering your PPC and DUID
You will need the following information:
Device Unique ID (DUID). This is either your PC fingerprint or the DUID of the WIBU-KEY USB Dongle.
Proof of Purchase Code (PPC). You will have received the PPC in printed form or as an email when you purchased Dialogic Diva SoftIP SIP 2.x.
Email address where the license file will be sent to.
Getting the DUID
Go to Start -> All Programs -> Dialogic Diva -> Configuration Manager
In the Dialogic Diva Configuration Manager click Tools-> License Manager.
Highlight the option 'Available DUIDs on this system'. This will the display the DUID that is unique to your system.
Click on the DUID and choose the option 'Copy DUID to clipboard'. Copy it to a text file or go straight to the Activation page at https://www.sangoma.com/aki-activation/ .
Once you have the PPC, DUID and email address available you will need to register your PPC with your DUID. A license file will then be emailed to the email address you specified during registration.
Activating your license file
Once you receive your license file by email you will need to activate it in the Dialogic Diva Configuration Manager.
Go to Start -> All Programs -> Dialogic Diva -> Configuration Manager.
In the Dialogic Diva Configuration Manager click Tools-> License Manager.
Click 'Add License' and browse to the location where you have saved the license file (.lic).
Select the license and click Open.
The license file is now added to the License Manager.