Release 2.3.6 - An Overview of Features

FR 1358 Includes the “SS7 parameter filter” feature for incoming SS7 IAM

Brief Description:

Currently, this filtering feature only works for Outgoing SS7 IAM. This F-1358 additional feature will allow the SS7 parameter filter to be used for incoming IAM in SS7 to SIP Calls scenarios. 

Related Topics:

SS7 - Destination - ISUP Group - Parameter Filter

F-1350 Allows IPv6 support for SSH connection.

Brief Description:

The IMG2020 now allows users to configure an IPv6 address to be used with SSH connections.

Related Topics:

SSH Server Configuration

F-1359 Support e911 INVITE URI type: <urn:service:sos>

Brief Description:

The IMG2020 now support the SIP URI format type “urn”. This new supported type is added to the other supported URI types like “tel”, “sip”, “sips”...

Related Topics:

Release Note

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