Switchvox - Feature Code (5.X)
Feature Code Extensions
A Feature Code extension lets you perform a certain operation by dialing a *, the two-digit feature code, then another extension.
Go To Voicemail. Directly dials another extension’s voicemail. For example, if you define 56 as the Go To Voicemail feature code, to transfer a caller to extension 202’s voicemail, simply transfer them to *56202.
Directed Pickup. Answers a call that is ringing a different extension. For example, if you define *39 as the Directed Pickup feature code, dialing *39202 will pick up a call ringing 202’s extension. Choose a type of extension to add, and then put groups or extensions into the collections.
Call Monitor. Silently listens in on another extension’s current call. For example, if you define *92 as the Call Monitor feature code, dialing *92202 will listen in on 202’s call without either party knowing.
While monitoring a call you can switch to different modes by pressing the corresponding digits on your phone:
Press 5 for whisper mode. This mode allows you to talk to the extension you're monitoring but does not let the other party hear you.
Press 6 for barge mode. This mode allows both parties to hear you.
Press 4 to return to the default monitor mode.
Choose a type of extension to add, then put groups or extensions into the collections.
Personal Intercom. Directly dials another extension’s intercom. For example, if you define *55 as the intercom feature code, and you dial *55202, you will now be talking over the speaker on extension 202’s phone. Note: This feature requires intercom support on the handset receiving the call.
Define the basic Intercom settings. Choose a type of extension to add, and then put groups or extensions into the collections.
Fax. Sets a system extension as the sender of the fax, and then sends a fax. The fax is stored in the Sent Faxes of the designated extension. Check Require extension password if you want to require the sender to enter the password for the designated extension.
For example, given the following conditions:
You have a Fax Feature Code extension of 33.
You want to send a fax as if it were from extension 200
Extension 200 has a voicemail password of 111
You must dial 9 for an outgoing line
You are sending the fax to 1-888-555-1212
Dial the following from your fax machine: *33200*111*918885551212
If a password is not required, leave it out: *33200*918885551212.
In both cases, the fax is sent to the number 1-888-555-1212 and is stored in the Sent Faxes of extension 200.