Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - CLI/Debug Menu
The Debug Menu on the IMG allows a user to be able to collect High Level system and board information through use of the telnet utility. Sangoma Technical Support personnel may often ask a customer to telnet into this utility and extract basic information on the users system as a first step in the troubleshooting process. The process for accessing the Debug window is described below, as is a high level explanation of its capabilities.
Accessing the CLI/Debug menu
To be able to access the IMG Debug menu, a user will need to telnet into the IMG through the use of a telnet utility. Open a terminal in the GCEMS Server and telnet to the IMG:
[dialogic_user@img-user]$ telnet <ip address of IMG>
The IMG will ask for username and password. Enter accordingly
username: admin
Password: password
Once logged in, you will see the following login screen.
username: admin
*** NOT Clearing GEL Print Buffer ***
===> IMG IP Addr :
===> IMG MAC Addr : 00201C14338D
===> IMG Name : IMG1010_1
===> IMG ID : 1
===> IMG FileSvr IP Addr :
===> Press 'h' for diag menu options
Press the h key for help and the help screen will display.
Help Menu for IMG 1010
* Show All
1 Show System Info
2 Show Facility Info
3 Show Timing Info
4 Show Ethernet Info
b Show Card Status info
B Show Board info
d Enter Advanced Debug Menu
f Fault Log Info
g Dump GEL Buffer
h Help
At this point a user can select any of the above menu items. Each item will output information about the IMG system. Below are short descriptions explaining each item
Show All (*)The Show All menu will display all menus (1-4 below) in the debug screen. They will all be displayed in one screen shot.
Show System Info ( 1 )
The Show System Info menu item will display system information such as the following:
Product Information --> Chassis ID, Product ID
Node Information --> Node Name, Node ID
Host Information --> Host IP Address, Hostname (dhcp server information)
Software and Firmware Revision Level --> Software and Firmware versions loaded on IMG
Motherboard and I/O Info --> Motherboard and I/O Revision Level and Serial numbers
Date and Time Info --> Date and Time loaded in IMG.
Show Facility Info (2)
The Show Facility Info will display Span information on whether a span is a signaling span or bearer span and whether it is In service or Out of Service.Show Timing Info (3)
The Show Timing Info will display what timing sources are enabled and whether or not they are being used as a timing source.Show Ethernet Info (4)
The Show Ethernet Info will display the following IP Information for each of the ports on the rear of the IMG. (Control, DATA, and Signaling):
1: --> IP Address of the Port
SN: --> Subnet Mask of the Port
GW: --> IP Address of the Gateway port is configured for
CPU: --> MAC Address configured on each individual port.
Show Hardware Info (b)
The Show Hardware Info will display information on the IMG Hardware which includes the motherboard and I/O. Information such as HostFlags, Bootflags, Memory, and Revision levels of hardware are among the specifications displayed.Show Slot Info (B)
The IMG is divided into different functions or processes (SS7, ISDN, Signaling and Bearer Spans, etc.). Each of these functions has a virtual slot number and a tag value. If any changes have been made to the configuration of any of these functions, then the tag value will change from 1 to 0. If any of these functions have a tag value of 0 and the IMG is reset into production mode, then the affected function(s) will get re-configured. If the tag value is 1, then the function will not get re-configured.Enter Advanced Debug Menu (d)
The Advanced Debug Menu is password protected and is for Sangoma Technical Support Personnel to be able to troubleshoot issues with the IMG. Do not enter this menu unless instructed by Sangoma Technical Support Personnel to do so.fault log info (f)
Pressing the "f" key will cause the IMG to display any faults that have occurred. If a fault is displayed, the IMG will ask whether to upload the fault. If the user selects y, then the IMG will ask to upload by A=ftp or B=Serial. Once this selection is made then all fault log files (.flt) will be uploaded to /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds folder. See screen capture below
> f
fault: #0083a558 @0083a568[b030] 608:$DSIExc (line = data addr) FRI JAN 02 00:00:01 1970
-- DONE (1 Faults) --
Upload fault info?(y/n): y
20:56:55.378 ALOG(SYS) Exited Advanced Debug Menu
20:56:58.138 ALOG(SYS) Exited Advanced Debug Menu
20:56:58.138 ALOG(SYS) Uploading Fault Diagnostics to 00902558_19700102000001.flt
20:56:58.138 ALOG(SYS) FTP: started xfer 00902558_19700102000001.flt to
20:56:58.268 ALOG(SYS) FTP: transferred 00902558_19700102000001.flt to
Dump Gel Buffer (g)
By pressing the "g" key, the IMG will display the GEL (Generic Event Logger) messages. By default, WARNINGS and FATAL events are logged for some specific areas. It is up to Sangoma Technical Support Personnel to go into the advanced debug menu and enable the areas they feel need to be logged and/or printed.
Modify the CLI/Advanced Debug default password
The default value of the password can be modified by accessing the Network Security debug menu and then follow instructions after entering option ‘d’
IMG-2020> a
Network Security> h
a - Enter Network Access Menu
c - Display Certificate Database
d - Change default Advanced Debug password
s - Display Server Status
p - Change default SSH/SFTP password
w - Wrap Certificate Password
W - Verify Wrapped Password
q/Q - Quit
h/H - Help
Network Security>