Switchvox Cloud - Overview of Desktop Softphone Updates in Cloud 7.6.3

Switchvox Cloud - Overview of Desktop Softphone Updates in Cloud 7.6.3

This article includes four parts:

What is the Switchvox Desktop Softphone?

The Switchvox Desktop Softphone has long been an application that turns your desktop or laptop computer into your business phone. It provides a familiar interface, allowing you to make and receive calls like you do with your D-Phone. The Softphone can manage up to 2 calls at a time, and features include Hold, Blind Transfer, Record an active call, Favorites, Call Log, Visual Voicemail, Contacts, and Status. Now, with Switchvox Cloud version 7.6.3, the Desktop Softphone also provides you with Chat, SMS, Video Calling and Screen Sharing.

The Desktop Softphone is freely available for use by all Switchvox Cloud users. The company admin just needs to enable access and the user needs to have a suitable computer, running macOS 10.13+ or Windows 7+ (64-bit). Detailed instructions to do this are provided below.


New Desktop Softphone features

New Feature in version 7.6.3: Chat and SMS Text Messaging

Chat with your Switchvox coworkers in the Switchvox Desktop Softphone App! Chat with one person, or a group of up to 10 people. Now the app can be used as a chat-only app, or as a phone and chat/SMS client.
An example of the new interface is pictured here. For details about chatting, see How do I Use Chat in the Desktop Softphone App?

When your Switchvox Cloud service is updated to version 7.6.3, existing users of the Desktop Softphone will see a notification in the app. This message alerts them a new app version is available, and they are provided a download link for the new installer. (This is the same link that's available on the landing page of the Switchvox admin web suite.) Until the user installs the new version of the app, the chat and SMS features will not function in the Softphone.
The Switchvox Desktop Softphone can also be used to send and receive SMS to external numbers, allowing users to easily communicate via text message with customers or business associates who are not on Switchvox. This service is now included with Switchvox Cloud by default, and may be managed by an administrator.

For more information on using SMS in Switchvox Cloud, please refer to the user article, Using SMS in Switchvox Cloud

For information on how to configure SMS for your users, please refer to the administrator article, How To Change SMS Routes in Switchvox Cloud


New Feature in version 7.6.3: Video and Screen Sharing

Share your computer screen or video camera with a Switchvox coworker in the updated Desktop Softphone App!


For details, see How do I use video in the Desktop Softphone App?
When your Switchvox Cloud service is updated to version 7.6.3, existing users of the Desktop Softphone will see a notification in the app. This message alerts them a new app version is available, and they are provided a download link for the new installer. (This is the same link that's available on the landing page of the Switchvox admin web suite.) Until the user installs the new version of the app, the new video and screen sharing features aren’t available. Also, please note that the new installer asks the user for permission to use the camera, which is required for the video feature.
There is also a new Preferences page in the Desktop Softphone. Click the gear icon in the Calls pane:

In the Preferences section you can now set a different phone to make calls with, and the appropriate device for microphone, speaker, ringer, and video camera.


How an Admin enables the Switchvox Desktop Softphone for a User

  1. Login to the Admin Web Suite (e.g., CompanyURL.digiumcloud.net/admin)

  2. Navigate in the top menu: Setup > Extensions: Manage

  3. Locate the Main Phone Extension for the User you want to give a Desktop Softphone.

  4. Click on Manage Phones, circled in red below:

  5. In the Manage Phones tool, you can assign a Switchvox Desktop Softphone for the Main extension OR for one of the person's additional phone extensions. A person with multiple phone extensions only needs one that is a desktop softphone.

    • Click Create Phone if you want to add an extension for the user's Switchvox Desktop Softphone, in addition to their Main Phone. Do this if the user will continue to use their typical hardware desk phones, in addition to the Desktop Softphone.

    • Alternatively, you can click Edit to modify an existing extension to assign it for use as the Softphone. You might want to do this if the user will no longer have a regular desk phone.

  6. Select Switchvox Desktop Softphone from the drop down menu.

    • You will need to specify a new unused extension number for the Desktop Softphone, if you are adding an additional phone for the user. This additional extension number is only a system reference, and is neither listed in the phone directory nor needed by the user. The user will continue to use their Main Extension for all activities, including logging into the Desktop Softphone.

  7. You may wish to download the macOS and/or Windows apps to provide them to the user. The links are available on the main page of the Switchvox Admin Suite. Here are the URLs:

    • Windows: https://CompanyURL.digiumcloud.net/static/apps/Switchvox%20Phone.msi

    • macOS: https://CompanyURL.digiumcloud.net/static/apps/Switchvox%20Phone.dmg

  8. Inform the user that they can now install and use the Switchvox Desktop Softphone. Provide them the user instructions below along with either the downloaded installer files or the links to download themselves.


Note: If a user is unable to log into the app, possible causes include:

  • A Desktop Softphone assignment does not exist for their extension. (Follow the instructions above.)

  • The extension and password attempted do not match. (Double check and/or update password.)

  • They are attempting to login using the wrong extension number. (Always use the Main extension number.)

  • Their IP has been blocked due to failed login attempts. (Review Server > Networking: Blocked IPs)

  • The user has never logged in to the Web Suite before. (A new user must first login to CompanyURL.digiumcloud.net/main to confirm their setup before they're able to access the Desktop Softphone.) 


How a User installs and uses the Switchvox Desktop Softphone

Desktop minimum requirements:

  • macOS 10.13+ or Windows 7+ (64-bit)

User Instructions
To use Switchvox's Desktop Softphone App for Windows or macOS in Switchvox Cloud, follow these instructions.

  1. Download and install the macOS or Windows app:

    • Windows: https://CompanyURL.digiumcloud.net/static/apps/Switchvox%20Phone.msi

    • macOS: https://CompanyURL.digiumcloud.net/static/apps/Switchvox%20Phone.dmg

  2. In the app, indicate your Switchvox Cloud URL (e.g., CompanyURL.digiumcloud.net).

  3. Log in using your Main extension number, and the password you use to login to the Switchvox Web Suite (e.g., when you login to CompanyURL.digiumcloud.net/main)

Important notes:

  • If you are running a firewall application on your computer, you may need to allow incoming connections in the firewall, to ensure that calling works.

  • The phone manages up to 2 calls. If you already have 2 calls, a third incoming call is ignored, so that your Call Rule Actions are followed as if you had not answered the call.

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