Configure RADIUS



The IMG 2020 can be configured to serve as a RADIUS client or a RADIUS Server. When configured as RADIUS Client, the IMG 2020 is configured to send CDR start & stop events to a separate RADIUS Server. The procedures below describe how to create and configure the IMG 2020 as either a RADIUS Client or RADIUS Server. Click on each of the links below for more information on each topic. Below is a Quick Start diagram displaying the objects.

Before configuring a RADIUS Client on the IMG 2020 a server running RADIUS must first be configured and the dictionary.dialogic file must be copied to one of the following directories:

  • If Configuring Free RADIUS on a Linux Server the dictionary file dictionary.dialogic should be copied to /usr/share/freeradius directory. Installing and configuring Free RADIUS on a server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux is described in the Configuring Free Radius on Linux topic.

  • If Configuring a separate RADIUS server (Not Free RADIUS), copy the dictionary.dialogic file to the directory that already has the main dictionary file in it.

The dictionary.dialogic file is supplied by Sangoma and needs to be added. The dictionary.dialogic file has been packaged up into a file labeled The file is available with the IMG 2020 software located on Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System). Refer to the instructions below on retrieving this file:

  • Go to

  • Select IMG 2020 

  • On the Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System) page, a login username and password are required to access the Downloads site Enter the username and password (A support contract is needed to access this site).

  • Once logged in, locate the file labeled (xxx=build number).

  • Download and extract this file to a directory on your local PC.

  • Once extracted to your local PC, locate the file labeled and now extract the dictionary.dialogic file.

  • The dictionary.dialogic can then be copied to the RADIUS Server. Refer to the Configuring Free Radius on Linux topic for information on configuring RADIUS on a server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Radius Prepaid Support Mode will be disabled if Radius Debug Mode is enabled. The two modes cannot be enabled at the same time. 

Configuring a RADIUS Authentication Server

The IMG 2020 only verifies if authentication is accepted or rejected by the RADIUS Server; it does not act on any other information returned by the server. Follow procedure below to configure the IMG 2020 to act as an Authentication Server.

  • Right click on the Dialogic object and select New External Network Elements. The External Networks Element object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to External Network Elements topic for more information on this topic.

  • Right click on External Network Elements and select New Radius Servers. The Radius Servers object is a parent or container object. Up to 256 various RADIUS servers can be configured under it. Refer to RADIUS Servers for more information on this topic.

  • Right click on Radius Servers and select New Radius Server. See screen capture below.

Name - Radius Server Name is populated with Radius_Server_<Radius ID>. To modify the name, highlight the current entry and enter the new name.

Server Type - Select Authentication from drop down menu

Vendor Format - The VSA's being sent to the external RADIUS server will use the Dialogic Vendor Format (3028).

IP Address Type - Enter IP Address Type of Radius Server ( IPv4 or IPv6).

IP Address - Enter IP Address of Radius Server that the IMG 2020 will be communicating with.

Port - The default port is 1812. To modify, highlight the entry in the Radius Server Port field and enter a new port number.

UserName - Enter a Username that will be used in the RADIUS Access Request message to the RADIUS Server.

Password - Enter a Password that will be used in the RADIUS Access Request message to the RADIUS Server.

Authentication Type - Select from drop down menu either PAP or CHAP authentication method.

Secret Phrase - Enter a text string (case sensitive) that is used to authenticate communication between a RADIUS server and a RADIUS client.


For more information refer to RADIUS Servers and/or RADIUS Server topics.

Configuring a RADIUS Accounting Server

In this case, only an Accounting Server is assigned to the RADIUS client on the IMG 2020. The RADIUS server set up for accounting utilizes various methods such as STOP and START times to track lengths of calls and can be used to track billing information for the call.


  • Right click on the Dialogic object in the Configuration Tree and select New External Network Elements. This is a container object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to topic for more information on this topic.

  • Right click on External Network Elements and select New Radius Servers. The Radius Servers object is a container object. Up to 256 various RADIUS servers can be configured under it. Refer to for more information on this topics.

  • Right click on Radius Servers and select New Radius Server. See screen capture below.


Name  - Radius Server Name is populated with Radius_Server_<Radius ID>. To modify the name, highlight the current entry and enter the new name.

Server Type - Select Accounting from drop down menu

Vendor Format - The VSAs sent to external RADIUS server will use the Dialogic Vendor Format (3028).

        IP Address Type - Enter IP Address Type of Radius Server ( IPv4 or IPv6).

IP Address - Enter IP Address of Radius Server

Port - Default Port is 1813. To modify, click in the Radius Server Port field and enter a new port number.

User Name - Enter a Username that will be used in the RADIUS Access Request message to the RADIUS Server.

Password - Enter a Password that will be used in the RADIUS Access Request message to the RADIUS Server.

Authentication Type - Defaults to Not Used if the Radius Server Type is set to Accounting

Secret Phrase - Enter a text string (case sensitive) that is used to authenticate communication between a RADIUS server and a RADIUS client.


For more information refer to RADIUS Servers and/or RADIUS Server topics from links in Authentication section above.

Configuring a RADIUS Client

The IMG 2020 can be configured to be the client of a RADIUS Server/Client network. Once configured, the IMG 2020 will send VSA's back and forth to a configured RADIUS Server. One RADIUS Client object can be created per IMG 2020 since the IMG 2020 is the RADIUS Client.

  • Right click on the IMG 2020 object and select New Radius Client. See screen capture below.


IP Address Type - The IP address type ( IPv4 or IPv6 ) of the network interface below.

Network Interface - The RADIUS Client Network Interface field is a drop down list displaying the IP addresses of each of the Ethernet interfaces configured on the rear of the IMG 2020. Select which interface/IP Address will be used to communicate with the RADIUS Server.

Authentication Port - Default Port is 1812. To modify, highlight the default port displayed in the Authentication Port field and enter a new port number.

Accounting Port - Default Port is 1813. To modify, highlight the default port displayed in the Accounting Port field and enter a new port number.

Debug Mode - Default setting is Off. Calls will not complete if an external RADIUS server becomes unavailable. When Debug Mode is On, calls will be completed whether the RADIUS server is active or not.

Pre-Paid Support - The default is Disabled and IMG 2020 will ignore data received in RADIUS Authentication Response messages. If enabled the IMG 2020 will act on data received.

Radius Time Format - Select the format the RADIUS CDRs will present the time as.Primary Authentication Server- Select from drop down menu of configured RADIUS servers. This will be configured as the primary Authentication server. Only RADIUS servers configured as Authentication servers will be displayed in this list.

Secondary Authentication Server - Select from drop down menu of configured RADIUS servers. This will be configured as the secondary Authentication server. Only RADIUS servers configured as Authentication servers will be displayed in this list.

Primary Accounting Server - Select from drop down menu of configured RADIUS servers. This will be configured as the primary Accounting server. Only RADIUS servers configured as Accounting servers will be displayed in this list.

Secondary Accounting Server - Select from drop down menu of configured RADIUS servers. This will be configured as the secondary Accounting server. Only RADIUS servers configured as Accounting servers will be displayed in this list.

For more information refer to RADIUS Client topic.

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