SFTP Server

SFTP Server

The Secure File Transfer Protocol object (SFTP) enables and disables the SFTP functionality in the IMG 2020. Using the SFTP functionality, a user can transfer files securely to and from the SD card that is inserted into the front of the unit. Files such as system software, license, and configuration files are stored on the SD card. The SFTP object enables the secure transfer of these files to and from the IMG 2020. Refer to information below.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > IMG 2020 > New SFTP Server

Maximum Objects

One SFTP Server object can be created for each physical IMG 2020 node (IMG 2020).

Related Topics and Dependencies

SSH Server

Since the SFTP server is configured on the IMG 2020 there are no dependencies such as external FTP servers needed

Field Descriptions

SFTP Server

Disable (Default) - The default setting is Disable. In this mode, files cannot be transferred to the SD card. If trying to transfer files and the SFTP Server field is set to Disable, a connection error will appear.

Enable - When Enable is selected from the drop down menu, files can be transferred to and from the IMG 2020. Verify when transferring the system software file that the file is transferred as a binary file.

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