SS7 - Destination - Route

SS7 - Destination - Route

The Signaling Route is the path the signaling message takes to pass between two SS7 endpoints. The route is the path from the Originating Point Code (OPC) to an Adjacent Point Code (APC). The Signaling Route has three basic elements:

Destination Point Code - The point code of the final destination SS7 network entity.

Adjacent Point Code - The point code of the SS7 Network Entity that is adjacent to the originating SS7 network entity. The signaling would need to pass through this network entity to get to its final destination

Signaling Link/Link Set - The links to carry the messaging from destination to destination.  More than one link is used to transmit the messaging. These links are combined into Link Sets.

This SS7 Route object defines a route from the IMG 2020 to an SS7 destination (DPC). See below for more information.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > SS7 > SS7 Network > SS7 Stack > SS7 Destination > New SS7 Route

Maximum Objects

Up to 512 routes to 128 destinations per IMG 2020 Logical Node Group

Related Topics and Dependencies

When creating an SS7 network which includes stacks, links, link sets, routes, destinations, etc, the dependencies are too numerous to explain in this document. Please refer to the Configure SS7 topic for information on how to configure an SS7 network.

M3UA SS7 Destination

SS7 - Link Set

SS7 - Link Set - Link 

Field Descriptions

Route ID

The Route ID Field identifies the SS7 Route being configured. The Route ID field is automatically populated with the next available ID. The ID field is shaded green and cannot be modified. Up to 512 Routes are supported on the IMG 2020 so the Route ID's range from Route ID 0 to Route ID 511. A user can create multiple Link Sets and multiple Routes to the same destination and each route can be prioritized using the Priority field below.


A list of all the Link Sets created under the SS7 stack that the SS7 Route is being created under are available in the drop down menu of the Link Set field. By configuring a specific Link Set in this field, the IMG 2020 will send the SS7 signaling from the stack in the IMG 2020 to the Adjacent Point Code (APC) that is configured in the drop down menu. A user can create multiple Link Sets and multiple Routes to the same destination and each route can be prioritized using the Priority field below.


This field identifies the priority of the route when there are multiple routes to the same destination. Below are a set of rules to follow when configuring the priority of a Destination/Route:

  • The higher the number configured the higher the priority. Ten is higher priority then 5.

  • When configuring combined link sets, the priority of the New Routes should have the highest priority.

  • When configuring combined link sets, the priority of the of the cross routes should all have the same priority but lower priority than the New Routes described above.

  • When configuring combined link sets, the priority to the Destination will automatically be given the lowest priority. 


Enter a description of this route, such as the location and destination information. (For example: To Chicago 5ESS.)

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