Media Module

Media Module

The Media Module object is configured under the Enhanced Services object. Embedded on the motherboard and embedded on 4 optional DSP Modules are banks of DSP chips that can be used for tone generation, announcement/treatment playback, and recording. The Media Module is created as a parent object to the Media DSP object which is where the individual DSP's are configured for functionality such as a-law, u-law, or playback/record. The Media Module object assigns an interface ID to the Media DSP's that are configured under it. No configuration is needed within this object. Once the Media Module object is created, the individual Media DSP objects can be configured for functionality such as tone generation and playback/record of announcements and treatments.

There are a bank of DSP chips on the motherboard set aside for playing tones and announcements. The rest of the DSP chips located on the motherboard and/or the separate Media Modules are utilized for call processing of Media RTP and Video data. The DSP's being configured below are just for functionality such as tone generation and announcements.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > IMG 2020 > Media > Enhanced Services > New Media Module


Maximum Objects

One Media Module object can be created per media object.

Related Topics and Dependencies

The Announcements - Overview topic includes a list of the steps required to configure the IMG 2020 to play tones, announcements, and treatments. Within that topic, follow the correct procedure for your specific application. For information on the objects created above and below the Media Module object refer to the links below.

Enhanced Services

Media DSP

Field Descriptions

Module Interface ID

This field will default to ID:0 and cannot be modified.

Module Name

The Module Name field defaults to On-Board and cannot be modified.

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