Treatment Phrase

Treatment Phrase



The Treatment Phrase object is created under the Treatment Element object. When creating a phrase or sequence of tones to be played, the audio files are selected through the Treatment Phrase object. Within the Treatment Phrase object is the field Vocabulary Index Element. Within this field is where the audio file to be played is selected. An audio file will not appear in this list if it is not in the .dat file and not configured under the Vocabulary Index File object as a Vocabulary Index Element. When adding a treatment phrase, more than one phrase or tone can be added. This allows a user to concatenate multiple audio files to create one treatment. For example, phrases such as "We're sorry all circuits are busy" and "Please hang up and try again later" can be configured under the Treatment Entry object. These phrases would be concatenated to form one phrase such as " Were sorry all circuits are busy. Please hang up and try again later". The Treatment Phrase object can play and concatenate announcements, dialed digits, originating digits, and tones. Once the treatment phrases are configured then the Treatment Table can be played to a channel group through the use of a Route or Service Route Table.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > Routing Configuration > Treatment Tables > Treatment Table > Treatment Element > New Treatment Phrase

Maximum Objects

Up to fifteen individual phrases can be added to each treatment table entry object.

Related Topics and Dependencies

The Announcements - Overview topic includes a list of the steps required to configure the IMG 2020 to play tones, announcements, and treatments. Within that topic, follow the correct procedure for your specific application. For information on the objects created above and below the Treatment Phrase object refer to the links below.

Treatment Element 

Field Descriptions


This field is automatically populated with the next number in the sequence and cannot be modified.


Tone - When Tone is selected, the Phrase field below will be populated with a default set of tones that are embedded in the IMG 2020. Refer to the Tone Table below for a list of tones that can be played.

Announcement - When Announcement is selected, the Phrase field just below will change toVocabulary Index Element. Within this field is a drop down menu containing all the audio files that are configured as a Vocabulary Index Element object. If an audio file was added to the treatments directory, and all the objects were configured correctly (Vocabulary Index File, and Treatment Phrase within the treatment phrase object) the added audio file would then be displayed in the drop down list here. Below is a table of announcements that can be downloaded from the Dialogic Support website. These are a default set of announcements that can be added to the IMG 2020 to be played.

Dialed Digits - When Dialed Digits is selected, the Dialed Digits (ANI) will be played.

Originating Digits -  When Originating Digits is selected, the Originating Digits (DNIS) will be played.

Phrase / Vocabulary Index Element

The selections in the Phrase drop down menu are dependent on the selection made in the Type field above.

Tone selected from Type field above - If Tone is selected, then a default set of tones will be selectable from drop down menu.

Announcement selected from Type field above -  If Announcement is selected, any announcements configured under the Vocabulary Index File object as a  Vocabulary Index Element object will be selectable from drop down menu.

Dialed or Originating Digits selected from Type field above - This field defaults to Not Used if Dialed or Originating Digits is selected from the Type field above.

Cycles to Play Tone (Used only when Tone is selected in Partial Phrase Type field)

The Cycles to Play Tones field can be modified only when the Phrase field is set to Tone. When the Partial Phrase Type field is set to Tone, the Cycles to Play field has a drop down menu which ranges from Continuous to 15. Continuous would play the tone continually. The other selections 1-15 will be the number of times to play the tone selected.

Downloadable Tones and Announcements

Below is a table displaying the tones and announcements that can be downloaded from the Dialogic support site at www.dialogic.com/support. Select the Downloads Icon and follow the menus. A support contract is needed to download these files.
























We're sorry, your call could not be completed as dialed


We're sorry, the number you have dialed


is no longer in service


We're sorry, all circuits are busy now


We're sorry you must dial a 1 before calling numbers outside of your calling area


We're sorry, it's not necessary to dial a 1 or 0 when calling this number


We're sorry, it's not necessary to dial a 1 or 0 when calling numbers within your calling area


We're sorry, you're call did not go through


Please check the number and dial again


If you need assistance please hang up and dial the operator


If you need assistance


Please hang up and dial the operator


Please hang up and try your call again


Please hang up and try again later


The Default Tones Table below displays the tones that are embedded in the IMG 2020 and can be used when Tone is selected in the Type field above.

Default Tones





Vacant Code

Reorder (LEC)

No Circuit (LEC)

Reorder (Carrier)

No Circuit (Carrier)


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