NFS Location
The NFS Location object is created under the File Location object and is used to configure communications between the mount point on the NFS Server configured and the IMG 2020. When configuring the IMG 2020 to retrieve the audio files from an NFS Server, information such as the IP address of the IMG 2020, NFS Server, and mount directory of the NFS Server, are needed to be able to communicate between the IMG 2020 and the NFS Server. Follow the information below to configure this object.
Web GUI Page
Dialogic > Files > Media File Location > New NFS Location
Maximum Objects
Up to 30 combined NFS Location and Local Location objects can be created. Each NFS Location object could be configured with a different Mount Point, local directory, IP Address, and Server. Regardless, the IMG 2020 supports communicating with a maximum of 8 NFS Servers. Therefore, the NFS Location object would need to point to more than one location on each NFS Server if more than 8 NFS Location objects are created.
Related Topics and Dependencies
The Announcements - Overview topic includes a list of the steps required to configure the IMG 2020 to play tones, announcements, and treatments. Within that topic, follow the correct procedure for your specific application. For information on the objects created above and below the NFS Location object refer to the links below.
Field Descriptions
Location ID
The Location ID field is automatically populated with the next available ID. To modify the existing ID, click in the ID field and a drop down menu will appear. The Location ID corresponds to a unique path or location that the audio files are stored. Accept the default ID or select the ID required from drop down menu. The Location ID's range from 1-30.
NFS Server
The NFS Server field drop down menu displays all the NFS Servers configured under the External Network Elements object. Select from the drop down menu which NFS Server the IMG 2020 will use to retrieve the audio files from.
Client IP Address
The Client IP Address is a drop down menu displaying all the IP addresses that are configured as Service addresses. Select the IP address that corresponds to the interface that the NFS Server will be using to communicate with the IMG 2020.
Since the Denial of Service (DOS) functionality is always enabled, any IP Addresses that are either configured through the bootup process or through the Web GUI will be able to communicate with the NFS Server. A pinhole is automatically setup through a combination of configuring the interface using the object and the remote IP address when configuring the object
User ID
The default value in this field is set to 1001. Modify this value to the User ID configured on the NFS Server. To find the User ID in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, go to the Red Hat System menu. Select Administration > Users and Groups and open up the User Manager. The User Manager will display all the users configured on the Linux Server. Below is screen capture of the Users ID Tab.
Group ID
The default value in this field is set to 100. Modify this value to the Group ID of the Dialogic User Profile that is configured on the NFS Server. To find the Group ID in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, go to the Red Hat System menu. Select Administration > Users and Groups and open up the User Manager. The User Manager will display all the users configured on the Linux Server. Below is screen capture of the Group ID Tab.
Mount Directory
Enter the path to the directory that the audio files on the NFS Server will be located. Enter the mount point or path to the NFS Share that contains the audio and Vocabulary Index File.
Monitoring Fields
Location Status
The Location Status field displays the connection status between the directory on the NFS Server and the IMG 2020. If there is communications between the two, Available will be displayed. If there is no communications, Not Connected will be displayed.