Snom One

Please insure you have installed NBE before continuing.  

  1. First step is to change the port we listen on to 5066, you can do this by going to "Start -> All Programs -> Netborder Express Gateway -> Configuration -> Edit global configuration file" as shown below.

  2. Once in the global configuration file find the line


and change it to

"netborder.sip.userAgent.IPAddress=INADDR_ANY:5066/udp,INADDR_ANY:5066/tcp" as shown below.

  1. Next go to "Start -> All Programs -> Netborder Express Gateway -> Configuration -> Edit routing rules file" and then insure your "sip.out.requestUri" is set to "sip:0@" as shown below in the "incoming_from_pstn_to_sip" route. This route tells NBE to send the inbound calls to Snom One.

<rule name="incoming_from_pstn_to_sip" outbound_interface="sip" qvalue="0.001">
                        <condition param="transfer" expr="false"/>
                        <condition param="" expr=".*"/>
                        <condition param="" expr="(.*)"/>
                        <condition param="" expr="(.*)"/>
                        <out_leg name="" media_type="sendrecv">
                                    <!--To modify the target SIP destination, just change the value below-->
                                    <param name="sip.out.requestUri" expr="sip:0@"/>
                                    <param name="sip.out.from.uri" expr="sip:%0@GW_HOST_IP:GW_SIP_PORT"/>
                                    <param name="sip.out.from.displayName" expr="Netborder Express Gateway"/>
                                    <param name="sip.out.transport" expr="udp"/>


  1. Now start the NBE gateway by going to "Start Gateway" as shown below.

  2. After the gateway is started go to the "Web Interface" to open the NBE GUI as shown below and insure the gateway is up and running. 

  3. Go to the Snom One interface and then go to "Domains -> List ->" and select the first domain in the list. 

  4. Once in the domain go to "Trunks" and then type "NBE" in the new trunk box, then insure the type is "SIP Gateway" and then click "Create" as shown below. After this is done you will have a new trunk called NBE; click edit on the new trunk. 

  5. Insure you configure the trunk as shown below, also note extension 70 is the default auto attendant so that is why all calls are sent there. 

  6. After saving the trunk configuration then go to "Dial-Plans" and edit the standard dial plan and add your dial plan rule. The dial plan below will send any digits dialed to NBE. Then you will need to configure your sip phones to use the standard dial plan in order to make a call out. 

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