Driver Base

Driver Base

This is the base class. This is in the module but you do not need to use implements.  Any of these may be called by the file store. If they are called. If the method id not implemented in the driver the calling class will throw an exception with the code 501.  If the driver doesn't exist the calling class will throw an exception error 404

<?php namespace FreePBX\modules\Filestore\drivers; interface DriverBase{     //Base actions     /**      * Authentication action. This will process things like oauth flows      * @param  array $request http request      * @return bool action success/fail      */     public function authAction($request);       /**      * Run on install/update      * @return null      */     public function install();       /**      * Run on module uninstall      * @return null      */     public function uninstall();       /**      * The settings page for the module      * @return string html      */     public function settingsView();       /**      * The display view for non setting items.      * @return string html      */     public function displayView();       /**      * Process post data      * @param  [type] $page [description]      * @return [type]       [description]      */     public function doConfigPageInit($page);       /**      * Weather an implintation is supported in this driver      * @param  string $method the method "all,backuponly,readonly,writeonly"      * @return bool method is/not supported      */     public function methodSupported($method);       //CRUD actions     /**      * Add a item for driver      * @param $data array of data for required      */     public function addItem($data);     /**      * Edit Item      * @param  string  $id   Id of item      * @param  array $data array of data required      * @return bool       success, failure      */     public function editItem($id,$data);       /**      * Delete Item by id      * @param  string $id Id of item      * @return bool   success, failure      */     public function deleteItem($id);       /**      * Git list of items for driver      * @return array Array of items.      */     public function listItems();     //Filestore Actions     /**      * Get file      * @param  int $id  filestore item id      * @param  string $path path of item to get      * @return        File object      */     public function get($id,$path);       /**      * Put file      * @param  int $id  filestore item id      * @param  string $path path of item to get      * @param file $file to upload      * @return bool  object created      */     public function put($id,$path,$file);       /**      * List files/directories in path      * @param  int $id  filestore item id      * @param  string $path path of item to get      * @param  type file/dir Default both.      * @return        File object      */     public function ls($id,$path,$type=null);       /**      * Delete object by path      * @param  int  $id        filestore item id      * @param  [type]  $path   path to delete      * @param  boolean $recursive delete recursively      * @return boolean            Did it delete?      */     public function delete($id,$path,$recursive=false);       /**      * Rename file or directory      * @param  int $id      filestore item id      * @param  string $oldpath file to rename      * @param  string $newpath What to rename it to      * @return bool  was the operation successful      */     public function move($id,$oldpath,$newpath);       /**      * Find a file's path      * @param  int $id       filestore item $id      * @param  string $filename name of file to find      * @return mixed $path  path of found item or false     */     public function find($id,$filename);   }

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