Module Hooks (Updates)
General Module Hooks
Any code calls in FreePBX can be hooked by other calls. Let's say you have a module called "Pony" but you want to expose a method that other modules could call
Setup the Hook Call
In the PHP function we need to add a function call to the method(s) we want to expose. In the below function we are getting a list of Pony colors but because we are calling processHooks we are letting any other module in FreePBX return data here as well
public function ponyColors($adaptor) {
} |
We can pass processHooks any data we want such as booleans, objects, arrays:
public function ponyColors($adaptor) {
$data = array("this is my data array");
} |
Process Hooks will then call all modules which have requested to hook into this method (see below). It will return an array like so:
public function ponyColors($adaptor) {
$data = array("this is my data array");
$out = \FreePBX::Hooks()->processHooks($data);
* $out will look like:
* array(
* "FreePBX\Modules\Sipstation" => array("stuff"), //see below as to why this is output
* "calledModuleClassName1" => data,
* "calledModuleClassName2" => data |
Setup the Hook Processor
To be able to hook into the Pony module from other modules you need to tell FreePBX about yourself and what you are trying to request. Here is an example from the AmericanQuarterPony module
First start off by modifying module.xml
Let's break this apart, every hook will have a declaration, you define that with this line:
If the module you are trying to hook into doesn't have a namespace you can omit that, however you can NOT omit class (which is case sensitive)
To add a priority to your call just add a "priority" attribute. If no priority attribute is added the priority will be set at 500
Next we declare who we are and the method we want to hook into ("callingMethod").
namespace: The namespace of this module
class: The class file inside of this module
After FreePBX 15+ you have two choices here either the module name (Americanquarterpony which means Americanquarterpony.class.php) or any file that can be autoloaded from within that module's directory. (Colors which means Colors.php)
callingMethod: The method we want to hook into from the Pony class
static: should this method be called statically
Finally we add our method name (which is the method that will be called from within Pony), which we have named "myPonyColors":
In Americanquarterpony we have now added our method to either Americanquarterpony.class.php or Colors.php:
After all of this is through you'll then need to run retrieve_conf so the caching engine will pickup on your changes.