
Path: <modulerawname>/Api/Gql/Ponies.php


<?php   namespace FreePBX\modules\Ponies\Api\Gql;   use GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type; use FreePBX\modules\Api\Gql\Base; use GraphQL\Type\Definition\ObjectType;   class Ponies extends Base {}


/**  * Run before anything else  * @method initializeTypes  */ public function initializeTypes() { }   /**  * Run after initializeTypes  * @method postInitializeTypes  */ public function postInitializeTypes() { }   /**  * Run to generate callback query  * @method queryCallback  * @return callable        [description]  */ public function queryCallback() { }   /**  * Run to generate mutation query  * @method mutationCallback  * @return callable           [description]  */ public function mutationCallback() { }   public static function getPriority() {     return 500; }

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