Webinar 5: Introduction to Groups and Permissions

Webinar 5: Introduction to Groups and Permissions

FONdamentals Learning Series

Recorded Webinar part 5: (5/09/14)

Introduction to Groups & Permissions







This recorded webinar is focused as an introduction for new admins to Fonality Systems to Groups, Departments, and Permissions.  We touch on how users belong to groups in your Fonality system, and those groups are granted rights by issuing permissions.  We also cover how departments are utilized, and that a member can only be displayed in a single HUD department.

More advanced features will be covered in subsequent weeks, and will be published in the FONdamental Learning section in the Fonality Knowledge Base


Keywords (DO NOT REMOVE):


webinar,Webinar,FONdamental,FONdamentals,fondamentals,fondamental, fundamentals,Fundamental,groups, departments, permissions, user permissions, hud departments, groups and permissions, user ability, user attributes, perms, user perms



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