Webinar 7: Reporting 101
FONdamentals Learning Series
Recorded Webinar part 6: (5/23/14)
Reporting 101- Introduction to Fonality Reporting
Call Reports are the Life Blood of call centre, or call centered businesses. In this overview, we alk through the main differences between the two main types of FOnality Generated Reports via your Admin Control Panel. We touch on a few senarios and even disclose a few tips to help you utilize reports more effectly. In the end, knowledge is power, yet prcatice makes perfect!
More features will be covered in subsequent weeks, and will be published in the FONdamental Learning section in the Fonality Knowledge Base
Keywords (DO NOT REMOVE):
webinar,Webinar,FONdamental,FONdamentals,fondamentals,fondamental, fundamentals,Fundamental,reporting, acd, cdr, call reporting, call logs, user calls, callers, called numbers, csv export