Configure Cisco RV180w or 220w Routers

Configuring/Provisioning router settings on the Cisco RV180W/220W to Fonality Standards

Configured for Fonality Managed Hosted Services

Cisco RV180W -- up to 25 concurrent calls

Cisco RV220W -- up to 50 concurrent calls


QOS Setup Cisco RV180W/220W  Description: QoS Router - Cisco RV180W(NEW) RV220W(NEW)



(The factory default combination is User:cisco Pass:cisco)

 If the device is Fonality Provisioned, you will need to contact support for the login.  We dont want to publicly publish it here.


If you end up on the 'Router Setup Wizard' page, exit it by pressing cancel.  




Use the steps below to configure the router:




***Create new service in Firewall that defines UDP 10000-20000 as FonalityVoIP***


***QoS settings***

  • Enable WAN QoS 

  • set WAN QoS Mode -> Priority

  • Total WAN (Internet) Bandwidth - should be set to measured upload bandwidth per customer.

  • Add WAN QoS profile "VoIP" - Priority "High" 


***Profile binding Settings***

  •    Available profile VoIP

  •    Service FonalityVoIP

  •    Traffic Selector Match type "IP address Range"

  •    Starting and Ending IP address should include entire local range


***Disable WiFi***



Administration > Management Interfaces> User Accounts


For advanced troubleshooting steps, please view the troubleshooting article:



Misspelled Words (Do Not Remove):  RV180 RV-180W RV-180 180W 180 RV RV220 RV-220R RV-220 R-V220 220 220W

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